Further to my previous response to this from Santoshbab: I think Jose
might have failed to consider the possibility that social activists
are not bound by any code of ethics.....and My response,

I was asked by two Goanetters ...WHY   I chose NOT to comment on any
"CODE of ethics"for social activists.


Perhaps, my previous response was not 'complete'. So here go a few
lines in addendum

a: Codes of Conduct are normally devised by professional bodies, in
major part, to protect the reputation of their respective professions.

b: Significant and/or repeated violation of the 'Code' by a registered
member of a professional body could lead to disciplinary actions by
the profession's Governing Council. (please see two examples of
"Codes" infra)

c: I am not yet aware that Social Activists have a professional body
of which they are regulated members. But, I am willing to be

d: I really do not believe that Social Activism is a profession. To
me, those who 'practice' their Social Activism in cyberspace, are just
loose cannons venting frustrations more regularly than the average
"Joe" .

e: This is NOT to say that they serve no purpose, for they often do.


1: http://www.gmc-uk.org/about/register_code_of_conduct.asp

2: http://www.sra.org.uk/rules/

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