Dear goanet readers

Greetings to everyone who celebrated our Saligao Mae De Deus Feast in Goa and 
worldwide last Sunday and also fellow Goykars who celebrated their 
village feasts on the same day.

In London, United Kingdom, the Saligao Association UK management team excelled 
themselves and the full house celebration was truly memorable. It 
was good to see everyone from sunrise, midday and sunset years mingling making 
the occasion a real success. Father Francis Rosario SFX Goan 
Chaplain for the UK, opened the celebrations with the Feast Mass and the choir 
sang beautifully. The excellent and generous helpings of tasty Goan 
cuisine was by Shirley's Kitchen and the band Rainbow's End from Swindon, 
played every tune one could wish for.

For me, there were three best moments, the first seeing our youth in their 
sunrise years enjoy themselves as they enthusiastically danced in-step to our 
traditional music. The second was the sing song of our Mandos and Dulpods led 
by Adolf Saldanha (in this nineties) keeping our music alive. The third, 
the launch of Stella Mascarenhas-Keyes book "Colonialism, Migration & The 
International Catholic Goan Community" published by Goa, 1556, Sonarbhat, 
Saligao, 403511, Goa India ( Many of us in the United 
Kingdom know Stella and the whole Mascarenhas family as they have been 
involved in community work over the years. 

For information the name 1556 is dedicated to the year when the first printing 
press was established in Asia in Goa. 

Once again, Boas Festas.

Rose Fernandes
Thornton Heath, Surrey, United Kingdom

8th May 2012

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