I wonder how well India is prepared to defend its borders, given all the 
scandals relating to things military. China already appears to have something 
akin to stealth fighters - might be old technology, as this article says 
- http://www.smartplanet.com/blog/thinking-tech/chinas-stealth-fighter-gets-lethal-re-design/11640?tag=nl.e098 ,
 but then Americans are not known to be particularly generous in their 
appraisal of technology foreign to them. Has India got any stealth fighters? or 
the knowhow to build autonomous of semi-autonomous drones?

>From: Gabe Menezes <gabe.mene...@gmail.com>
>To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" <goanet@lists.goanet.org> 
>Sent: Wednesday, 23 May 2012 4:27 AM
>Subject: [Goanet] The breaking up of India, by China
>“China International Institute for Strategic Studies” posted an article (“China
>must break up 
>arguing that “if China takes a little action, the so-called Great Indian
>Federation can be broken up into 30 pieces.”

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