It's not anymore about what you or I feel the Canadian medical professional
should earn. That ship sailed when the government realized that there's
little money in the kitty.

The best that can happen for them is that future increases will not be as
generous as in the past. The worst, that current levels will be slashed.
Your theory about doctors fleeing to other jurisdictions is untrue. In the
past several years those who have determined that money is their prime
consideration have already left Canada. The ones remaining have decided for
themselves that their practice or research or quality of family life or
whatever, is best served by remaining in Canada. In fact it is known that
many who left have since returned.

You don't have to worry about doctors' second incomes coming from
pharmaceutical and drug companies. If you have been in the financial sector
in Canada long enough, you would have seen how the Ontario Securities
Commission banned mutual fund companies from plying financial professionals
with all sorts of 'incentives' and payments. There is no reason to see why
the CMA under regulatory pressure can't do the same for physicians.

The bottom line Mervyn is that the Government cannot let us walk away from a
heart bypass costing $150,000 or cancer surgery costing even more with zero
dollars from our pockets. Unless they start making sensible cuts to the
system that will still allow us to enjoy that medical freedom.


A medical professional in Canada earns less than his counterpart in the US
or the UK. Medical professionals are highly mobile. If you want them to
remain in Canada, they have to receive decent wages and/or research
Secondly, I want to be treated by a professional who earns a decent wage and
not by someone who needs a second income from the drug manufactures in order
to make ends meet.
Thirdly, I believe everyone who earns $300,000 to $400,000 a year richly
deserves that income. The people who make that kind of money had to overcome
a lot of barriers to reach there. In the case of medical professionals, the
barriers are usually in the form of training and examinations.


  • ... Roland Francis
    • ... Mervyn Lobo
      • ... Roland Francis
        • ... Jose Colaco
        • ... Mervyn Lobo
          • ... Jose Colaco
    • ... Gabe Menezes
    • ... Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا

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