*Built by Adil Shah as a smaller fort in 1497, the Reis Magos Fort was
destroyed by the Portuguese in 1510. The Portuguese conquerors rebuilt it
on a grander scale in 1543, particularly to ward off the Dutch invasion.
Prominent Goan Architect, Gerard da Cunha, known for Natural Achitecture,
was the force behind the restoration. The fort was converted into a jail in
1900 and several freedom fighters - three of whom were present on the
occasion - were imprisoned in it. Gerard recalled the efforts of Goa's
famed cartoonist, the late Mario Miranda, to restore the fort, supported by
the UK-based Lady Hamlyn Trust. Restored at Rs.3.5 crore and rechristened
"Reis Magos Heritage Centre", the stupendous work is a pioneering endeavour
in 'adaptive resuse' of the rich heritage structures in Goa. View three
pictures at the following links:*




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