HERALD - June 6, 2012
"Goa to host meet of organisations to establish Hindu nation"
[Safe in Goa - Shivprasad Joshi, a leader of Hindu Mahasabha, claimed that the convention could be held smoothly due to rule of BJP-led government in the State]


As I opened my computer to do my 'GSRP's routine 'comments on vital issues reported in Goa's Newspapers' stint on this very subject, here comes Selma Carvalho with the first thunderbolt that has hit UK rather than mainland GOA as was expected.

Whatever happened to the SECULAR CONSTITUTION OF INDIA?
Whatever happened to the black-listing of this 'viper' communal Organization in GOA when it has been black-listed in neighbouring Maharashtra??? Congress would have worked overtime to disrupt it??. Thanks to the friendly BJP government in GOA???

Three Cheers to Manohar Parrikar's BJP in Goa.
Three Cheers to HJS of Ramnathi- Ponda Goa.
Three Cheers to the MGP's Davalikar brothers who are the undying supporters of HJS in Goa.

Incidentally, I am accused by none else than the most vocal institution of Goa, the CSJP, [Council for Social Peace and Justice] which operates from the backyard of the venerable Goa's Bishop's Palace, for having HIJACKED the movement 'GOEMCHEA RAKHONDARANCHO AWAZ'. Yes ! I am proud of the 'hijack' if it is in deed a 'hijack'. Sensible Goans should pat me on my back for this unique masterpiece. It is precisely because of the blue-eyed boy of the CSJP and the BJP in the person of the up-coming ADVOCATE and Charismatic young man Mr. Yatish Naik who was delivering this vital GOA'S MOVEMENT (unfortunately to say 'with late Matanhy Saldanha's unstinted support) into the lap of HJS, Bab Ramdev, and the GOA MERGERITES, that this was stopped and stopped at the right moment.

What should never be happening to Goa has started happening unto GOA, with the 'communal vipers of the rest on INDIA honourably descending on Goa just like the oncoming monsoons. The weather in Goa is absolutely and completely suitable with the BJP of Manohar Parrikar in the driving seat.is

GOANS who should not be saying 'this' to me  have been saying it to me.
"FLORIAN, you hate Manohar Parrikar because he is intelligent, an IIT and because he is a capable ADMINISTRATOR"

"No" I have said to them. "I have always hated Manohar Parrikar since the day he was atop the Babri Masjid Dome with a Crow-bar in hand. It would be SHAME for Goa and Goans for such a man to be elevated to the Chair of GOA's CEO"

TODAY, my unstinted stand has been VINDICATED. Selma Carvalho has said it from the UK.
Thank you Selma. My salaam to you.

If GOANs are real GOANS, things should change drastically in '2017' when I shall be leading the pack of '30 plus' [possibly all forty, God Willing] to snatch OUR BELOVED GOA from the hands of invaders, occupiers, looters and plunderers and finally the COMMUNAL VIPERS since 1961 with GSRP's flag held high.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Carvalho" <elisabeth_...@yahoo.com>
To: <goanet@lists.goanet.org>
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2012 2:10 PM
Subject: [Goanet] The first slap to Catholics comes from Parrikar

Well, I had hoped against hope that it would be different this time. That somehow Parrikar would be reformed. That he would lead us greater glory. Such is the tenuous nature of hope that it clings desperately to any ray of sunlight that beams through the bleak landscape of despair. And despair has come to Goa, far sooner than we thought it would.


"Over 50 right wing organizations will be meeting in Goa in the second week of June, with the aim of working out a national plan for establishing a Hindu nation. Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) will be holding the five-day All India Convention of Hindu organization, beginning June 10 at Sanatan Saunstha’s ashram, Ramnathi, which will be attended by 175 leaders of various organizations."

"Shivprasad Joshi, a leader of Hindu Mahasabha, claimed that the convention could be held smoothly due to rule of BJP-led government in the state. “If it was government of some other party, they would have worked overtime to disrupt it,” he commented."

If Parrikar is truly reformed, speak now or forever hold your peace. Stop this conference from taking place in Goa or at least tell us you don't support it.

Like I said many times, leopards don't change their spots.


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