4th June 2012
Press Releasee

GBA welcomes the decision of the government to protect the eco sensitive
zones marked in RP2021 as well as the lower FAR and VP1 and VP 2 status and
views the order on this, as a move in the right direction.

The government has issued an order superceeding  the order of 20 March 2012
which had put all permissions under RP 2021 on hold. The order that was
issued today by the TCP, while keeping the RP 2021 on hold will not permit
land use contrary to RP2021 while using RP 2001 only as reference plan.

The order effectively means that land use permitted is limited to what is
common to both RP 2001 and RP 2021.  Any settlement shown in RP2021 which
was not in RP2001,its status needs to be clarified

The clause on protection of ecosensitive zones means that, no development
on eco sensitive zones will be allowed even if it is marked settlement in
RP 2001.

However, the order needs clarity on certain issues.
GBA demands that no development should be permitted in areas marked as
natural cover as the report of the two committees appointed for
identification of forests have not been incorporated so far,. In RP 2021
natural cover is considered on par with orchard for the purpose of

The order,while stating that RP2001 will be used as reference plan and some
aspects of RP2021like FAR, Vp status etc will be protected. The GBA states
that the etcetra should be spelt out as many controversial aspects like eco
tourism ,MIZ ,marinas, golf courses without the consent of people were
included in RP2021.

The order also states that the approvals given prior to 9th April 2012
shall be allowed to be executed. GBA demands that if there has been an
objection to these projects by the people they should be considered before
giving blanket approval for execution.

GBA reiterates that the process for hearing objections from the stake
holders  to rectify the plan should be spelt out clearly. The guidelines
for accepting or rejecting suggestions should be clearly spelt out and made
public.The timeline for completion of the plan should be notified.

The mandate for participatory planning should be included in the Goa TCP
Act. before any new plan is made

Sabina martins
Convenor  GBA

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