Dear Mr Parrikar

It is very interesting to note how you forward to the other Parrikars
defence at any given time.

I will not reply in the pitch and tone that you have chosen to take. Let me
just point out that before bringing out the cheering squad you should
perhaps read the order more carefully. It says that 'RP2001 will be the
reference document' for land use. And in the very next sentence it says
'Land use will not be contrary to RP2021'. A very nice example of
government double speak. Also a very nice example of leaving a very large
loophole to be interpreted as the government wills. Also please note that
the order allows every single application before the freezing of the RP2021
to be processed and passed. This will include all controversial projects as
well. Rather than a blanket approval, we still a mechanism to consider
individual cases and hold back those that are controversial.

Having said that let me add that the order is a step in the right
direction. I am extremely glad that there seems to be an effort to retain
the best features of the RP2021. What we need to watch is the fine print,
as the example above proves.

Venita Coelho

I don't believe people are looking for the meaning of life as much as they
are looking for the experience of being alive.

Casa Coelho
House No. 876
Bambordem, Moira V.P.
Goa - 403507
9867166057 / 832 2470861

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