MD <> wrote:

> Does santosh believe whatever is on this website is the truth but the whole
> truth?

I am not sure how the above question to me relates to the confusing queries and 
random unsubstantiated thoughts below. But since the above question is 
addressed to me, I will answer that I have no reason to doubt the historical 
description of the Brahma Kumari cult given by its ex-members, especially the 
fact that it is a doomsday cult with a strongly held belief that the end of the 
world, resulting in the exclusive survival and prosperity of its current 
members, and annihilation of all the rest of humankind, is imminent. This 
description matches exactly that provided to me by its followers in the early 
70's when I visited an exhibition held by them in Menezes Braganza Hall in 
Panaji. At that time they believed that the world would end in 1976. I learned 
at that time that God to them was the abbreviation G.O.D., which stood for 
Generation, Operation and Destruction. Now as far as the allegations of murders 
and rapes are concerned, they have been
 reported in the mainstream press. Here is one such report in the Times of 

Unfortunately, in India, as in most other countries, when a crime is committed 
in the context of religion, a massive cover up is almost guaranteed. Religion 
like political power has always been a sure-fire way of achieving immunity from 
prosecution against crimes. 



----- Original Message -----
From: MD <>
> What kind of Yogas are there and their purpose?  Is holding breath for a
> long trime is good for one's heart muscles or brain cells?  By squatting,
> we deprive blood circulation to lower limbs..a person with heart condition
> may feel giddy!! One can meditate with concentration in a church or market
> place, the main thing is concentration.  When gomateshwara stood in
> concentration, creepers began growing on him...can we accomplish this?
> Deep breathing exercise relaxes the body, provides much needed oxygen to
> the heart muscles and brain cells thereby one feels relaxed, the mood is
> elevated.
> Old times, sages used to involve in this to attain 'nirvana'?..joining 
> the
> higher power ('veelena').  Even Vedas, the main concept of creativity is
> borrowed from Middle east.  Of course, then legends were built by
> interested community as  a tool of supression, compliance.
> I am very interested in 'proven benefit' some examples please.
> MD.

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