MoI Decision Good But We Need To Be Vigilant

The decision on the MoI is taken and I have to agree with a lot of people that 
the Chief Minister as also the Education Minister has proved, his credentials 
as an astute politician who wants to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Goans 
had done the right thing by giving him the mandate at the last election.

The present government is yet to be 100 days old and we have already seen a sea 
of change in attitude as well as willingness to comply with the promises made 
in their election manifesto. It is indeed a pleasant change compared to the 
morose and morbid functioning of the erstwhile Congress government which was 
bereft of any constructive ideologies or agendas.

In a democracy it is never possible to please one and all at the same time; 
there is bound to be healthy or even unhealthy opposition from at least some 
quarters of the public domain and Manohar Parrikar's MoI policy has certainly 
had those assorted opinions and reactions, but whatever analysis come forth, 
after the dissection of this MoI policy by the so called experts, it has 
certainly put a smile on the faces of a majority of Goans and that is what the 
elected government is suppose to do, make the people happy.

Even though I had my reservations, I hoped that Manohar Parrikar would not go 
back to his old outdated ideologies and so far that hope is slowly but surely 
turning into a reality. Education should never become a tool for the privileged 
but a resource within the grasp of all humanity. Education is not something 
that should be bought and sold on the counters in premises or institutions; it 
should be imparted without any distinction or biases so that every citizen has 
the same right as the other to avail of the right to freedom of choice provided 
by the Constitution.

I am sure most parents and their children studying in all English medium 
schools and those that changed to English medium in the last academic year are 
happy as they all got their wish done but there is still a major flaw in the 
policy, what happens to those schools that wanted to move to English medium but 
because of grants stayed with a regional medium of instruction ? Should they 
not be given a chance to choose their medium of instruction ? Why should they 
get the wrong end of the stick ?

All said and done Manohar Parrikar deserves applause for the way he handled the 
MoI issue even with some very high profile supporters of the regional language 
MoI in his cabinet, it is this control at the helm of authority in Goa that 
Goans were longing to see after more than a decade of infighting and washing 
dirty linen in public by the ideologically bankrupt Congress. He has not just 
killed two birds with one sling shot but several.

The fuel prices have been reduced, the MoI issue is settled, the mining policy 
is in motion, so too the RP which Parrikar has promised within the next three 
months and till then the protection of eco sensitive zones has been assured. 
Now what Goa really needs is a Lokayukta that will bring every Goan Political 
Babu and bureaucrat under its ambit, so that no one stays above accountability, 
they should all be put on a tight leash especially with regards to illegal 
mining and corruption. We all are aware that there are a lot of other issues 
that need to be taken up on priority basis and this looks to be just the start 
that was needed in Goa to get the ball rolling.

Even as I say well done Manohar Parrikar, I would like to caution my fellow 
Goans not to get carried away or blinded by a few good things thrown our way 
but we should be vigilant at all times and be ready to take a stand if and when 
Manohar Parrikar and his government may tend to veer away from what's good for 
Goa and Goans especially the Mopa Airport. We have seen a mistake made by 
Parrikar on the entry fee to the Casinos, one too many and we could be in 
trouble again. So stay awake and be vigilant.

Freddy Agnelo Fernandes

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