Dear Joaquim,

While drafting this response, I have taken the liberty of deleting the
rest of the digest which accompanied your post.

I have known Dr. Wilfred Mesquita for many years. He is indeed, a very
cordial and well 'well traveled' man.

Not very sure what he will be able to do wrt legal matters in the UAE.

My only advice to my brothers and sisters in that part of the world,
is as follows: Know why you are there and PLEASE stay clear of
avoidable problems like Driving Under the Influence, and Violent acts.
While you are there, save some funds, upgrade your education and
skills (esp writing and communication skills) .....and then .......

Not very sure that India (leave alone the NRI commissioner or Embassy)
has any leverage over UAE in such matters.

Just as an aside, some years ago, a first cousin of Dr. Mesquita died
tragically which sitting in a parked that part of the
world. A high performance car came and smashed into his parked car.The
prevailing reasoning (for want of a better word) of the bystanders was
that the victim (who was employed there) had NO business to be in the
Dubai - (presumably) because he was a Indian. I doubt the police ever
came to investigate.

Even so, I wish you and your cause well.



On 10 June 2012 07:09, Joaquim D'souza <> wrote:

Dear Misquita,

Firstly congrulation on being appointed the new NRI Commissioner .

We Goans in the Middle East would like to see something differnt from your end.

A brief i would like to mention I had met Mr. Eduardo Falerio 4 years
back and had raised a grievance about all the Goans languishing in the
Jail in UAE and metioned to him that we need to get them out in
discussion with the Indian Enbassy. The Reply i got for this was if
they have done something wrong then let them be in the Jail. But he
never asked the crime that was committed. Crimes like drunk driving,
Bankruptcy, petty fights fist of anger at that movement.

I would request you that we look into this cases as they are fathers
to childern, Sons to the mothers who came to see that the family gets
decent food and shelter but faith has put them in Jail.

I would request you to kindly look in to this and i would personally
like to help in this matter.

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