On the Jews in Europe, Antonio Menezes writes: “They did not completely
merge with the local population of Europe, somehow maintained their separate
identity and were very much proud of their race. Today one thinks they were
innocent victims of racialism but they themselves were racialists towards
the indigenous European population.  One has to see the film '' Fiddler on
the roof '' to understand the nuances of their exclusiveness within European
societies. Then came an Austrian corporal who served in the German Army
during WW 1 .  The same corporal made them pay a heavy price during the WW
2. That is history.”

And on the Brahmins in India, he writes: “The brahmins of India are very
much like the Jews in Europe, having migrated tothe  Indian sub-continent 
with their religious writings called the Vedas, from Central Asia about 3
millennia ago and behaved towards indigenous population of India in an
obnoxious manner much worse than what the Jews did in Europe..  The
indigenous Indian giant is yet to wake up but when he does , will there be
scores to be settled ? It is only a matter of time.”

Seems like Antonio is saying that the Brahmins in India will be killed in
the same way that the Jews in Europe were, and he seems to think that there
was a justification re the Jews, and there will be justification re the

Best regards,

U. G. Barad

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