Let us all applaud Ms Jayalalithaa on the bold and courageous steps she is 
willing to take to route out corruption. This evil is decimating every sphere 
of life in India and has to stop if India is to progress politically, socially 
and religiously. I want to know what religion says that one can be good 
followers if one is dishonest and accepts bribes or extracts bribes for ones 
own gain? All these people acquiring illegal wealth must be sure that they are 
staring at the gates of hell where Satan is smiling every time that they 
receive an ill-gotten gain. The curses of the people from whom these bribes are 
extracted will be upon them and, believe you me, these curses are very 
powerful. Besides these bribes are illegal. Suffice it to say that these 
culprits who are soliciting these bribes deserve to be imprisoned and they are 
getting out of it lightly. If I were Ms Jayalalithaa, I would make sure I 
prosecuted these people so as to serve as an example to others who are engaged 
in any illegal activities of this kind that they will be next if they continue 
to delve in these illegal practices. Other leaders including the Prime 
minister, Chief ministers, and departmental heads need to follow the example of 
Ms Jayalalithaa. This will ensure that India will progress in leaps and bounds 

Manuel (Eddie) Tavares

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