Sardinha out of hibernation
By Nisser Dias
nisserdias at
SMS to 9422437029

The Goa Congress Committee working president and Member of Parliament Francisco Sardinha seems to be waking up from his deep slumber since parliamentary elections are slated to be held in 2014. Of course he broke his hibernation for a short while during the recently concluded assembly as he was trying to get Congress nomination for his son. However when he failed he immediately attracted the principle of inertia only to wake up again this week.

Addressing the media recently he blamed the Digambar Kamat led government for the party’s reversal of fortune at polls. It was like absolving himself from scenario. Being a Congressman and that too senior member, of course not a faithful one as he too deserted the party couple of times though he calls himself a faithful soldier, Sardinha should realize he too is a part and parcel of the Congress governance of the last five years.

But then back stabbing comes naturally to the so called Congressmen like Francisco Sardinha who are also known to abandon the ship while it is sinking just like rats. When I say back stabbing, he blamed his colleagues when he lost to Alex Reginaldo Lourenco in 2007. This week for the Congress debacle he blames mistakes of the Digambar Kamat led coalition government.

Surprising this same controversial politician was responsible for defecting and bringing BJP to power in Goa. Does he have an explanation for that? Today he blames the erstwhile Digambar Kamat government for mistakes like Regional Plan 2021. I want to ask the south Goa Member of Parliament what held him back from advising the government against notifying it. What held him back from impressing the High Command about the possible fallout if regional plan 2021 was notified before elections? It is alleged that the High Command subtly managed to delay tabling of the Shah Commission report on mining so that it would not expose the misdeeds of the Congress government during elections. Thus holding back notification of RP 2021 would not be a big deal for the High Command. But it would surely mean blocking huge amounts of illegal money for the MLAs, MPs and ministers.

Having said that I wonder why former chief minister of Goa Francisco Sardinha and one of the first ministers allegedly involved in a scandal (marks) limits the Congress downfall to Regional Plan 2021. What about mining, promoting family raj? Infact Sardinha was very vociferous in denying that his party was adopting ‘Family Raj’, which has cost the Congress as many as 6 seats, that is because he was trying to corner a Congress ticket for his son. But that is Sardinha who thinks his ‘Olah!!!’ can do the magic and bring the Congress government to power.

South Goa member of Parliament has gone on to say that he will seek a special package to the tune of Rs 1000 crores to construct a new Zuari bridge. Suddenly how has Sardinha’s ‘tubelight’ flickered on, I wonder? Is it because the chief minister has made budgetary provisions for a new Zuari bridge to be constructed within three years. Why did the MP not realise that the existing bridge was weak and that there was an urgent need to construct a new one. This is because Congress MLAs, ministers and MPs do not do their homework. They want others to do their thinking. It would not be out of place to say that the Congress politician are a personified example of our government servants who do not want to work but want to avail all the benefits and perks of the office.

Almost a couple of years have passed since Francisco Sardinha has been elected to the parliament. Why did he not think of a new Zuari bridge all this while? He did not care to ask his government at the centre to disburse money for it, nor did he impress upon Congress led government in the state the need to construct a new bridge. It is only now since Manohar Parrikar has shown the way that this congress south Goa MP wants to steal the idea and claim credit for it. That apart Sardinha wants to again run to Delhi with an alms bowl and beg for money. Why does he not appreciate chief minister’s efforts and courage to claim that his government will build the bridge with finances generated in the state?

It is well known that finance is not Francisco Sardinha’s forte. Just to remind my readers during his tenure as chief minister he had the opportunity to submit one budget in the assembly. Ironically that budget was prepared by Manohar Parrikar who was not even a minister at that time. Former chief minister Sardinha just presented or rather read it in the House – maybe without even understanding the nuances and nitty-gritties of what he was reading.

Congress politicians have made it a tradition to be in power but not to apply their mind to bring about development for betterment of the society. They look at projects which give them benefits. They are least interested in projects that does not add to their ill-gotten personal wealth. They are also not interested in making the Union government pay attention to Goa to bring about development and prosperity. Congress politician’s foresight and vision is myopic so much so that it is always focussed on their personal wealth and world. And the consequences are for everybody to see. Instead of countering the state government, Francisco Sardinha may well be advised to work in tandem with existing government irrespective of the political party that is governing to bring about development of the state in quick time. (ENDS)

First published in Gomantak Times, Goa - April 12, 2012

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