The composition of the Goa State Football Development Council, it
appears, may have been decided over a tea party. Just a few group of
individuals from Campal-Miramar and some surrounding areas with
virtually no representatives from Bardez and Salcete, the bastions of
Football in Goa. Surely, given the fact that the Honorable Chief
Minister had such noble intentions for this Council, we could have had
more transparency and a proper selection process could have been held.
But by having none of this and by selecting what appears to be a
coterie, Dr Rufino Monteiro, the Chairman of the Council, has
disappointed us. This goes on to prove once again that democracy is
dead in all sports associations and other related bodies. All football
lovers must arise and awaken. We have taken this nonsense for far too
long and too often. It's now time for all of rise up and and speak
loud enough so that we can get our voices heard. Let us together make
this happen!

Sandeep Heble

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