On 1 July 2012 16:32, anil desai <anild...@gmail.com> wrote:

[1] On this very interesting thread, Mr J C Colaco wrote the
following: "Dear Mr. Aires Rodrigues, I canNOT believe what you have
posted UNTIL it is cleared by o senhor Anvilio de Sa, the self
proclaimed Goebbel of Inglaterra."

and wrote the following Response:

[2] I have been away from Goanet for the last three weeks or so as was
away visiting USA and enjoying a cruise to Alaska.

[3] On my return, I found that .... J C Colaco ...(has) been goading
ME and other Parrikar supporters for comment on various issues since
"Parivartan' is has occurred and is occurring in Goa as I write......

[4] I am really pleased that Shri J C Colaco has stopped calling him High-risk

[5] Aires's disclosure that Shri Nadkarni had failed SSC at first
attempt was un-necessary as well as despicable.

Dear Dr. Anil Desai,

Allow me please, dear Sir, to state the following point and question in preface:

a: I do not know the Shri J C Colaco that you write about.

b: Are you suggesting/confirming that you are "o senhor Anvilio de Sa,
the self proclaimed Goebbel of Inglaterra"?

Apart from that, I can only speak for myself ....thus:

c: High Risk is High Risk when he is High Risk.

d: I agree with you. (As I have stated before), the disclosure that
Mr. Nadkarni had failed to clear SSC at his first attempt - was
totally unnecessary....and IF I may add ....petty.

Now .... I declare you the winner of this debate.

So, unless you "open the door", I will have 'Nada Mais" to write about it.

Thank you very kindly.


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