Glorious Goa: The exotic Indian state  peppered with Portuguese influence

By Liz 

*PUBLISHED:* 14:42, 3 July 2012 | *UPDATED:* 14:42, 3 July 2012

I had flown through the night and landed in the dark, feeling
less-than-fresh after a nine-hour journey, but an excitement for the exotic
woke me up. Early morning Goa smelt of burning wood with a scintilla of

Sprawling villas painted improbable shades of lapis blue, acrid yellow and
scorched retina pink flashed past the minibus.

There were shanty shacks and trussed up tents, stray dogs shuffling the
kerbs and a blazing cross made of light bulbs; then mellifluous water
lapped the road and spiky palms stood stark against a horizon faintly
flushed with dawn.
[image: Colva Beach Goa]

Glorious Goa: This colourful corner mixes Indian culture with Portuguese
influence from the colonial days

We reached the hotel, the Aliwa Diwa, a ten minute walk from Marjoda Beach
in southern Goa. It is an expansive complex of beautifully tended gardens,
shaded walkways and discreet restaurants tucked under traditional pitched

Even standard rooms, tiled and coolly furnished in Balinese style, are
palatial with walk-in wardrobes and epic bathrooms. A turquoise infinity
pool overlooking paddy fields was blissful in the early morning and at

There is also a wondrous spa where the typically diminutive masseuse
clicked disapprovingly at the worry-bead knots across my shoulders and then
- miraculous – made them vanish. After an hour, I sleepwalked into a tiny
walled garden to shower under brilliant blue sky. Speech was finally
restored by delicious ginger and lemongrass tea.
[image: Old Goa]

India --- Old Goa (Velha Goa), Bom Jesus Basilica, the church shelters the
relics of Saint Francois Xavier, patron saint of Goa --- Image by
Jean-Baptiste Rabouan/Hemis/Corbis Liz Hazelton travel piece

The Aliwa Diwa’s signature restaurant is Spice Studio, which curls
beguilingly around a huge banyan tree and serves the traditional dishes of
India’s western coast. We arrived early for a cookery lesson with head chef
Edia Cotta. It is at this point I have to confess (though obviously not to
the indomitable Edia) that I don’t like curry. For a girl from the Black
Country, this is culinary sacrilege.

Edia got to work on a chicken calfreal. The night was humid, the kitchen
heat searing. Chef did not break sweat. Her team, young, all male, were a
ceaseless swirl of hands bearing coriander and ginger, cinnamon, cloves and
cumin. One of our party asked for more chili and Edia obliged, shaking her
head. ‘Too hot for me,’ she said.

The calfreal, of course, was amazing, a ripple of distinct flavours
unquenched by heat. Then came an equally exceptional prawn curry, creamy
with coconut milk. I was finally converted. We ate under the stars and a
lunar eclipse. Afterwards came cocktails at the poolside bar before
retiring to the dreamy comfort of a vast bed.

Majorda beach at dawn was a polished swathe of soft silver curving into the
misty distance. A boat, hulking stark against the blanched sands, was the
centre of a whorl of activity. I sat transfixed as a troupe of gnarled
fishermen clad in salt-crusted loincloths unravelled their nets to sort the
[image: Majorda beach]

Sandtastic: Majorda beach hosts gnarled fishermen first thing in the
morning and sun-worshipping tourists later in the day

Jays picked at castoffs, tiddlers and starfish, a line of lumpen jellyfish
studded the shore. Amid this silent, timeless theatre, a dumpy tourist,
flesh flambeed lobster, posed with a purloined fishing basket on her head.

The Portuguese invaded Goa in 1510. They came, conquered, imported the
Inquisition and raked in a vast fortune from the trade routes.

India only kicked this one-time European superpower out 450 years later,
leaving a legacy of fusion food, icing-sugar chapels sprinkled liberally
between the palms and a monumental Renaissance City cocooned by jungle.

And then there are the villas. These fantastical oases of the
conquistadors, lush garden paradises rich with shade, their terraces
becalmed by breeze, are in widely varying states of repair. But the house
we visited, the Palacio Do Deao, has been lovingly restored by Ruben and
Celia Vaso da Gama and is now open to the public.

Ruben met us at the door for a whistle-stop tour. The first room was a
chapel complete with gilt altar and organ. As the original owner was Dean
of Goa Jose Paulo, this perhaps should not have been a surprise.
[image: Aliwa diwa goa]

Mystic east: The Aliwa Diwa hotel is decorated in a Balinese style

‘House was built in 1787,’ our host said. ‘Jose Paulo lived here 55 years.
All furniture from that period. We scoured Goa.’

We paused in the library and his eyes swept the shelves of tattered
paperbacks loitering behind glass. ‘No old books yet,’ he said, rueful. ‘We
are getting old books. To fit.’

The palacio was a wreck when Ruben and his wife bought it. Now it is an
elegant retreat, rooms painted cool sea green, doors lined in traditional
oyster shell to fend off the heat and food served to curious tourists.

We ate a sumptious lunch prepared by Celia and served on the secluded
belvedere, arbored by bourganvaillia; lightly battered prawns, pumpkin pie,
whole seabream with salad and eight-layer cake, a delicate confection of
coconut, cream, sugar and eggs.

Throughout this langurous meal, our dining companion was the saddest
sausage dog in India who shuffled forlornly around our feet pleading mutely
for food.
[image: Goa]

True retreat: The hotel is set in its own gardens with a pool where Liz
enjoys a perfect morning swim

Despite the departure of the Portuguese, Goa is still the most Christian
colony in India. In December, at the Chapel of the Three Kings, perched
high on a hill with stunning views over a palm-tree sea to the real ocean,
men were working frantically to prepare for Epiphany.

The surrounding three villages each choose a boy aged around eight to be
their king and then progress to the top of the hill to celebrate.

‘The festival is in the day,’ our guide said. ‘The hill has to be deserted
by 6pm as that’s the time for the ghost procession. If you stay, you turn
to stone.’
[image: Goa]

Christian conquistadors: The cathedral in Old Goa is a leftover from the
old Portuguese rulers

Back below, the preparations were altogether more secular. Artificial fir
trees sprouted in porches, strings of star lights had been strung along

Nothing, however, had prepared me for the proliferation of giant plastic
Santas - one astride a motorbike – who decorate the towns with a frosting
of garish red..

India may have thrown out the Portuguese – but they haven’t quite
vanquished the Christmas tat.


Gabe Menezes.


Gabe Menezes.

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