NEW DELHI: India's official
was 3.8% for the last year and higher for urban than rural areas according
to statistics released by the Labour Bureau on Tuesday. Goa, Kerala Bihar
and West Bengal were among the states with high unemployment while Gujarat,
Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and Punjab were among the states with low

The 'Second Annual Employment andUnemployment
conducted by the Union Ministry of Labour and Employment's Chandigarh-based
Labour Bureau covered 81,000 rural households and 47,000 urban households.
It used the 'Usual Principal Status' - the majority of time in a one-year
reference period - as its definition of employment.

The labour bureau's data once again points to a crisis in female
employment. While official unemployment in India is lower than in the
developed world, female labour force participation rates are extremely low.
Only 17.9 per cent of women in urban areas are in the labour force as
against 73.3 percent of men. Despite such low labour force participation
among women, the rate of female urban unemployment is as high as 12.5
percent as against 3.4 percent for urban males.

Himachal Pradesh, Sikkim, Meghalaya, Chhattisgarh and Andhra Pradesh have
high female labour force participation, while the northern states - Punjab,
Haryana, Jammu & Kashmir, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi and
Uttarakhand<> -
have the lowest female labour force participation.

The survey found that socially disadvantaged groups like scheduled castes,
scheduled tribes and other backward classes had a lower unemployment rate
than the general category. Almost half of the employed are self-employed
and a further third work as casual labour.
The primary sector - agriculture, forestry, fishing and mining - is still
the biggest employer in India.

QUESTION: So why are the migrants flocking to Goa?


Gabe Menezes.

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