Advani tweets on Modi
It is not surprising at this stage that Lal K.Advani is showing concerns
for Modi. It was no secret that earlier he saw him as an obstruction, a
competitor for his life long ambitions for the post of P.M. He has now
turned around from hibernation, backing the dark horse and showed that he
is  not  in the race, notwithstanding his age and dwindling support from
his mentors. It now appears that he has finally saw the writing on the wall
to show discrete, indirect support   through the  tweet.  Is this a subtle
game to displace those ,who tried to block his life long  aspirations? Why
Advani is suddenly batting for Modi.  Narendra Modi is way ahead of Shusma
 and Arun Jaitely, who are are light weights in comparison They do not have
an pan India image and acceptance. Their importance and standing in the
party is localised., no matter how tall they are projected. They were
perhaps secretly rejoicing that their time is come on the National scene.
They have tried to nudge L.K.Advani out of reckoning covertly and
obliquely. Every one has a past, however distasteful it may be. But the
past alone cannot be a barometer of hindrance to forward looking. The
greatest charge against N.Modi is that he has not even expressed remorse
against the carnage and senseless massacre of Muslims in Gujarat .  Would
that exercise reduce the enormity and seriousness of the crime? There are
two sides to Modi, the past and present indexed by unprecedented
development. The development of Gujarat under his leadership is clearly to
be a matter of discussions. The mounting propaganda against his policies
did not help to displace him in the electoral politics because he won by a
great margin and will be expected to  repeat the victory ahead. He is
non stoppable and containable in his march.The fear of Congress
is palpable at Modi being nominated P.M. in case the NDA usurps power at
the Centre The only way to put huddles in his path is to paint him pitch
black of his past ghost .The courts have practically absolved him of
all accusations and legal impediments The NDA has no candidate that matches
the vision, progress and guts of selflessness of Narendra Modi. The
Congress is getting jittery at the prospect of Modi offering a formidable
challenge to the aspirant of the Prince of Congress. Congress is going
overboard to early before general election as far as 2014 to deflate and
marginalise him The Hindutva brigade is slowly warming up to idea of
supporting him and testing the waters before committing itself .The
incidents of dissent against Modi Nationally and globally are being
stringed to gether to hang him as some one untouchable Patriot with dubious
records not worthy of the highest office.
With the latest Advani tweet in his blog the clouds of doom are being
dispelled, so as to rally around his magnetic personality Finally it is
only Narendra Modi that shatters the dreams of Congress, as non other
candidate can offer a formidable challenge  The disagreement in NDA through
the opposition of JD(U) and Shiv Sena is not a great challenge to be
In comparison, the Congress has also past skeletons in its own cupboard The
blot of  massacre of  innocent Sikhs after Indira Gandhi assassination is
not lost on any one The time has still not healed the wounds of this
senseless, brutal and retrograde crime against humanity Admission of guilt,
 remorse and apology, as an electoral expediency by the Congress later has
not diminished the gravity of the heart wrenching agonies of the victims
How can in the same breath Congress now magnify the acts of Narendra Modi
under similar circumstances and deny him an opportunity to head India. Let
us wait and see how the Indian polity gives its verdict and in whose
favour. The BJP is making news in some states and is perceived as an
alternative, due to the continuous scams, corruption  unfolding with
regular frequency
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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