The missing of 6 members of the family without a trace  for a such along
time is baffling.How the Mumbai police took so long for a break through is
a mystery The mysterious fire strange at their Igatpuri residence should
have raised alarm bells The hunt for the caretaker should have been the
first step The third husband should have been the main suspect Whether he
was interrogated seriously by the Mumbai police is not known In puts have
been obtained from her previous husbands. Some tracking could have been
done about their movements before they left for Dubai or vanished without a
trace They would have not remained in incommunicado for such a long period,
If they had relocated as given to understand by the present accused, it
could have been verified
through airlines Had it not been for J.K police casual instinct
and inquisitiveness, the case would have languished in the doldrums.It is
the inputs from the J.K police that led to the break through of this
dastardly crime of 6 of the family The diligent search of the sprawling
complex  could have led to unearthing of some clues The questioning of the
earlier husbands could have thrown some hints about the landed properties
and other immovable, properties at stake. The second husband was
the recipient of Power of Attorney and had been given care taker status and
should have been privy about the movement and place of relocating It looks
that the Mumbai police did a shoddy job of not suspecting the possible
motives of all the three husbands and had least interests in solving the
disappearance of so many people together There was  a  suspicion that
Laila, a small time starlet was involved in terrorists activity, enabling
 possible movement of arms
It is surprising that Mumbai police with their expertise allowed to slip
this crime through their hands There was enough evidence from lay man point
waiting to be excavated for the trained eyes The Mumbai police, for once
did not cover themselves with glory
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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