*A High Court for Goa*

Goa had the first High Court in the entire continent of Asia, with
jurisdiction, over the scattered Portuguese empire in the east. Liberation,
produced a demotion from the High Court to the Court of Judicial
Commissioner. Upon persistent demands, a sop, by way of Bench of the Bombay
High Court was set up at Panaji. The same interests, which had worked in
vain, for the merger of Goa with Maharashtra, have this last quarter
century, succeeded in denying a High Court for Goa.

In the year 1992, I had raised the issue of our own High Court in the
Legislative Assembly. The proceedings went something like this:

Radharao Gracias: Will the Hon’ble Minister for Law be pleased to state
what is the stand of the Government on a High Court for the State?

Luisinho Faleiro (Law Minister) : The Government. …………..

Dr.Kashinath Jhalmi (interrupting): Goa is not mature for a High Court.

Radharao Gracias : What was the stand of the previous Government on the

Luisinho Faleiro (after going through the papers) : The previous Government
had written to the Union Government demanding a High Court for the State.

Radharao Gracias : Who was the Law Minister at that time?

Luisinho Faleiro : Dr.Kashinath Jhalmi

Radharao Gracias : How could Goa which was mature for the High Court few
months back when Dr.Jhalmi was the Law Minister, suddenly become immature

All hell was let loose. Dr.Jhalmi lost his cool and hurled a paper weight
at me. He had been thoroughly exposed and could not take it.

The same hypocrisy still endures. The opinion poll verdict was against
merger with Maharashtra. How come Goa has been judicially merged with
Maharashtra? It is complete contempt of the verdict of 16th January, 1967,
and a negation of democracy. Goa can be a full fledged State only after it
has all the three organs; the Legislature, Executive and the Judiciary.

The arguments of the detractors is that there are no competent persons in
the State capable of being appointed to the High Court. The one reality is
that Goa has efficient, competent and honest judicial officers as good as
any in the country. Two Goans (Justice G.D.Kamat Gujarat and Justice
Ferdino Rebello Allahabad) have become Chief Justices of other States.
Several Goans have become justices on the Supreme Court of our former
colonial masters Portugal including a Chief Justice. But no Indian has ever
been found fit to be appointed to the higher judiciary in Britain.

And the other reality is that we also have inefficient, incompetent and
corrupt judicial officers as bad as any in the country. Unfortunately, I am
not Shanti Bhushan to name them. I may have to exchange my black coat for
the black Maria, if I do. Our national motto may be “Truth alone triumphs”,
but the law says “Truth is no defence”. You and I have to abide by the law.

Goa’s judicial merger with Maharashtra has only enabled Maharashtrians and
others, to grab judicial positions in the State. Some fifteen non Goans
have been appointed to the Goa judiciary (even without basic knowledge of
Konkani) while only one Goan, has found favour in the Maharashtra
judiciary, over the last twenty five years. Today, I am informed, even
peons and orderlies at the Panaji Bench of the Bombay High Court are
brought over from Maharashtra. Are there no Goans, fit even to be peons and

Recently, Congress Spokesperson, Abhijeet Manu Singhvi, so amply
demonstrated the process and the procedure for the appointment of judges
elsewhere, in the country. Do those who insist that Goa should not have its
own High Court desire, that judges appointed by the Singhvi procedure be
posted in Goa? Goans must be proud of the fact that so far not a single
judge has been appointed in Goa with the intercession of Singhvi or his

There was a great opportunity for our own High Court, when Ramakant Khalap
became the Union Law Minister. He naturally opposed the move, after all, he
is a Maharashtrawadi, now in Congress garb. Presently, Shantaram Naik has
moved a Bill in the Rajya Sabha for our own High Court. Shantaram for
certain, is genuine. No dispute on that. Perhaps, he is also the only
Congressman in Goa. But does the Congress in Delhi care for him? I hope it
does. For the sake of Goa.

By: Adv.Radharao F.Gracias

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