15 Jul: Goan Voice UK. By Ronald Francis. 


In 1965, I was all of 16 years old and standing rigidly at attention in
front of a panel of senior Indian Air Force officers at a Mysore base. It
was a final step to entry into the NDA - India's premier officer cadet
school. Like all aspiring interviewees, I was edgy and apprehensive until a
loud and booming voice from a tall Air Commodore at the other end of the
room put me at ease. "Arre burgea" he said in Konkani, "tujer vishvas dor".
He was boosting my self esteem by saying "Young man, have faith in
yourself." But it was the language and his desire to speak it in that
completely non-Goan super-official setting that floored me.

Full text, 655 words at www.goanvoice.org.uk  Newsletter of 15 July 2012.  

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