Goa Sudharop is pleased to announce a new management position – Director of 
Global Operations – and our long-time management member, Mrs. Acaria Almeida, 
has kindly volunteered to accept the role. Acaria joined Goa Sudharop right 
after her MBA in 2002 and has been serving since, as Treasurer, as President 
for three years, and as a Board member, all as a volunteer (unpaid position – 
all Goa Sudharop management positions are volunteer-based and unpaid).

In her new role as Director of Global Operations, she will continue to work 
with Goans around the world and promote Goa Sudharop’s mission towards the 
betterment of Goa and Goans. She is totally committed to get overseas Goans 
more involved in the shape and future of Goan development, to save something of 
our heritage, environment etc. She also has the appealing personality to work 
with various age groups, from the young to the not-so-young.

Acaria has always taken a leadership role as a volunteer. She initiates ideas 
and then executes the idea. Her latest efforts are the Goa Sudharop Youth 
conventions (in San Francisco last year and in Goa this year).  Previously she 
has been active in so many Goa Sudharop activities, too numerous to mention.

Acaria is keenly interested in athletics and combined that with her fundraising 
efforts. She has taken part in several Half-marathons and has helped raise over 
$20,000 over a few years for Goa Sudharop. She is a team player and the 
gold-standard of an exemplary volunteer.

Acaria is also a community builder. Besides, being a stalwart in Sudharop, 
Acaria is involved in the Goan Community in the San Francisco Bay Area in 
different ways. She writes and directs skits in Konkani and encourages other 
Goans to take part in cultural programs thus keeping the Goan language and 
culture alive in this area. She also worked with the India Community Center 
(ICC) and the Partners program so Goa Sudharop and ICC can partner together. 

Acaria's work career has mostly been in banking where she has been very 
successful. Most importantly she is the proud mom of three children who are 
active in the Goa Sudharop community and has a very supportive husband, Joe, 
who encourages the family’s community service.

Please join us in welcoming Acaria in her new role and wishing her success.

Goa Sudharop

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