Pardon any Typos. This IPad does some curious auto- corrections

On Jul 20, 2012, at 10:58 AM, Gabriel de Figueiredo 
<> wrote:

> But why did they mix pictures of the Indian Union with those of Goa? It looks 
> like parts of Bombay and Delhi (there were no cycle or auto rickshaws in Goa 
> before 1962) were included in the "reportagem" for some ulterior motives, 
> perhaps to suit the ideologies of certain people?  

My Comment:

Possibly one or more of the following:

1: not enough material but needed to get the story out by midnight
2: non-knowledge
3: revisionism
4: ideological license
5: 'made to order' aka tailored to fit
6: low budget
7: perhaps,used an IPad ..... which made auto-corrections (:-)

  • ... Con Menezes
    • ... Gabriel de Figueiredo
      • ... Jose Colaco
        • ... Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا

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