-----Original Message-----
From: J. Colaco < jc>

> 1: Roland's comment (supra) may be accurate or inaccurate.
> Wonder HOW he reached that conclusion.
> 2: Self-esteem is what the Self estimates about self. Would
> Roland please advise us HOW he deciphered what the Goan women
> estimated about themselves?
> 3: Was he a scientific observer, a casual (i.e. anecdotal)
> observer or an observer of their interactions with him (i.e. biased

RESPONSE: Roland, I second the request of the sane sir above. Please give
us phul details of your study - what was the size of the statistical
population, how many of that population were from East Africa, Middle-East,
Bombay-Goan, Karachi-Goan, etc. Throw in a Gaussian curve for those who do
not like to read long reports. Phool disclosure, pleeze. Once you provide
all details we will have a peer-review conducted by non-Goan men to
validate your findings. Ohh....also advise us your qualifications to
conduct such a study and provide an opinion.

- B

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