Tony de Sa wrote thus to Bernado Colaco: 

1: Arre baba ...... 'imperial whore masters'.  
2: We live in a democracy where one is free to do what she/ he wants to do.


a: Profsorbab, for a moment, I thought you were referring to the 'controllers' 
of the devadasis. 

b: I did NOT know that you were that FREE.

I'd add here ( yet again ) that this thing called Democracy and Freedom are 
always relative. One is ONLY allowed to do and say (write) what those in power 
allow one to do and say or write.

Unless we are totally brainwashed (be it by Salazar or the Salazaroids who 
followed and follow), we would surely realise that we would (at the very least) 
have our letters to the editor or articles to the newspapers rejected OR face 
involuntary hotelisation courtesy the rakshaks, who might provide us with a 
generous helping of physiotherapy (malish) in the form of thappads, lathi and 
beltings for us and our phamily and phriends.

I believe that YouTube has brilliant illustration of the malish we can 
anticipate in return for the so called freedom you talk about.

Pardon any Typos. This IPad does some curious auto- corrections

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