Dear fellow goanet readers

I am sure that most of you who had the opportunity to watch the closing cermony 
of the London 2012 Olympics will have seen Britain at its best especially 
recapturing the Union Jack Flag that stands out for the United Kingdom and all 
its values. The Union Jack colours were used for the Goan Festival at 
Cranford this year and the value and respect of our community needs to be 
addressed as it appears that nothing has changed in the last 40 years. A 
short summary not in date order of my school of thought follows.

When we had our first festival on our own property, the clubhouse and grounds 
of six and a half acres in Kent, the entrance was one pound, the car park 
50 pence and the most expensive hire of space for a hot food stall was GBP 15 
pounds. A percentage of revenue from the parking lot was to have been 
donated to the Local Police childrens Christmas tree party - as far as I am 
aware, this never happened.

Having travelled to Toronto for the superbly run Youth Convention held at the 
harbour front I was disappointed to note almost four thousand bottles of feni 
bottled in a guitar shaped minature sent from Goa with love arrived in Toronto 
but as far as I was aware mysteriously disappeared out of sight.

The Youth convention in Goa by the Duarodo team was an inspiration we were 
given delegate status, the opportunity to meet and discuss with local 
people and rub sholders with very high ranking government officials, including 
the military, was a tribute to democracy and a credit to organisation and 
management skills of our people in Goa. For an example of pure voluntary effort 
visit Pilar in Old Goa as a pilgrim a week of novenas leading to the feast 
of St Francis Xavier on 3 December you will find hundreds of volunteers on a 
rota system meeting and directing pilgrims, I wonder if Costas Blue folding 
chairs are still used.

Coming back to the London Goan festival of 2012, a raffle ticket was included 
in the entrance fee, just like the Readers Digest annual prize draw the 
pre-paid winning numbers have been declared and published on GOAUK.COM website. 
with prizes to be claimed by 31 August 2012 . Through the office 
of goanet may I propose that the Goan Association UK share the winners names 
next to prize nos. Bearing in mind what I have said above, perhaps Eddie 
Fernandes, Editor of Goan Voice UK and Menino Fernandes Editor of Niz Goencar 
may care to second my proposal for good governance and publish this 
item in their respective publications.

Should this not be possible, please do not use the Union Jack Flag to market 
your events, stick to the coconut tree with three or four coconuts instead.

Mekvyn Fernandes
British Citizen of Goan Origin
Lapsed member, Office Bearer and ex Eiditor of Goan Association UK Newsletter
Thornton Heath
Surrey England
14 August 2012

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