The other day [14-Aug-2012] when I was rushing to be in time in the H-Court's Court No.1 for the hearing on my MCA in PIL 737 of 2011, I saw Sudeep Tamankar in the Courtyard. I would make time to go and shake hands with such a guy who puts the government on the mat every second day. But something held me back. Call it the sixth sense. I just waved at him and rushed into the HC premises.

I am just down in my den after having watched the 'In Goa News' on the telly while I had my drink of the day during my dinner. BTW this is the only time I watch the telly screen. And there was Sudeep Tamankar with the Congress's who is who, having joined the Congress, justifying his joining the congress party of Goa. That was more than enough for me. I am here on the keyboard having had no more desire to watch this tamasha.

Once before, I had watched this type of tamasha when Late Matanhy Saldanha [ who was known to have been sweet on the Ba Ja Paa] had actually joined the Ba Ja Paa, embracing the KOMOL at the fag end of his fighting for Goa life. And before we had time to say 'jack robins', he was six feet underground having disillusioned persons like me who held him in highest of esteem as a fighter for Goa and Goans. He couldn't be it with the GLP. He couldn't be it with the UGDP that he had embraced after he decimated the GLP. But ultimately he chose to be with the Komol to serve Goa and Goans. What irony, in deed.

Today, I see the death of another Goan fighter for the Goan way of life. All that shanponn that he has been dishing us day in and day out has been drained in a bucket of faeces which is THE CONGRESS.

Shame on you Sudeep Tamankar. However much you may try to justify this entry of yours in this stinking gutter, we will always know that you are following in the footsteps of Matanhy Saldanha to your grave or to the funeral pyre. Matanhy hated Congress with his guts. It seems that you hate the BJP with yours. Brings us to square one. Sad that you guys cannot think otherwise without the decaying Congress or the BJP. How very sad in deed.


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