Ah Lord! What "PPP" redux is this I receive at breakfast time?

Almost like that " a whole generation of Hindus " canard.

I suggest that the writer of the post ( quoted infra ) reads the link she has 
referred us to .... Yet again?

Then she might try to locate "AGM" in that link.

Isn't that the crux of Gabe's post ?


pro bono

Pardon any Typos. This IPad does some curious auto- corrections

On Aug 17, 2012, at 6:19 AM, Carvalho <elisabeth_...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Gabe,
> Has it ever occured to you that the reason no one responds to your questions 
> is because nobody really gives a hoot. People on Goanet think they are 
> somehow important. The fact of the matter is, we are all pointless dots on 
> the planet sucking up air and filling up space. Some are sucking up more air 
> than their fair share talking non-stop nonsense on Goanet. 
> As to your other question about being barred from Goan Association events, in 
> the link below:
> http://lists.goanet.org/pipermail/goanet-goanet.org/2012-July/223280.html
> you yourself informed the audiences of Goanet that you have been intimated by 
> a letter that you are barred from attending Goan Association UK functions and 
> declared persona non grata. Or did you forget?
> No need to explain, we are all aging, doddery and addled.
> I can give full details of the above decision but then again I'm far too 
> decent to do that. I leave that sort of dishonourable act to the people you 
> keep company with.
> Best,
> selma

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