Today's newspapers announced the funeral of Maria Conceicao D'Souza or
Aunty Mary as we used to call her. A glance at the obituary notice tells us
she was born on 11 April 1010 and she died on 7 August 2012 which means she
lived to the ripe old age of 102 years. Some record!

Having said that whenever someone wishes me - May you live to be a hundred
- I retort - Why do you want to curse me like this? I have seen too many
octogenarians forget about nonagenarians who live a misery of a life which
is also a misery to their caregivers - (God bless them all). The situation
is one which the aged do not want but cannot do anything about this.

But in Aunty Mary we have an exception for even till a short time before
she died she was fairly well in control of her senses, although age meant
that she could not concentrate for extended periods of time. The final time
I met her she inquired with me about my niece in England whom she was aware
that she was married, she asked about what was happening with the other
portion of her house in Novo Portugal was, and so on and so forth.

In the good old days, from the mid 1970s right up to about the turn of this
century she and Uncle Paul was part of a clique of Novo Portugal folk which
included Laura and Joseph D'Souza and my mother Jasmina among others who
used to gather and pray and chat at the Novo Portugal chapel every evening
when the weather was fine. She is the last of that generation to go.

Sitting there at the chapel, they used to gossip about the 'good old days'
and recount tales about how life was in Africa. She and her husband Paul
lived in Uganda until I think Idi Amin saw to it that they had to leave.

Aunty Mary and Uncle Paul had a lovely parrot they had brought back with
them from Africa. It was called Suku and could speak out a variety of
phrases. After Paul died, her children took her to America and I believe
had to leave it behind when she ultimately came back to Goa when she found
that the place did not agree with her too well.

Aunty Mary had an earthy sense of humour. Here is one anecdote her
neighbour Noel Pinto related to me. He used to tease her about the bad old
days back in Goa; "Aunty, how much of dowry did you have to give to get
married to Uncle Paul?" he once asked. Quick as a flash she answered: "
Doth?? Humpf!! Don dudi ani ek mudi puro asli!!" For those who don't
understand Konkani what she said was: 'We didn't have to give dowry - two
pumpkins and a ring were all that was needed'

I don't think I'll be able to make it tomorrow for her funeral, so my fond
farewell to the grand old lady of Novo Portugal. May her soul rest in peace.

Augusto Pinto
40, Novo Portugal
Moira, Bardez
Goa, India
P 0832-2470336
M 9881126350

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