On 19 August 2012 16:53, U. G. Barad <dr.udayba...@gmail.com> wrote:
> FN, you are asking me a question for which I have no answer and that's the
> reason I have asked for help.
> If you have the answer please do provide or else forget about it.

Dear Dr Barad, Some people with a science background expect the real
world (and the humanities) to have specific answers to everything. I
doubt life is so simple. On some issues, we could just have opinions,
perspectives or understandings.

My own bias and beliefs might have emerged from some of the posts I've
made on this issue....

By the way, Dr Teotonio R. DeSouza addresses your very issue in the
article below
Is There One Goan Identity, Several or None?
by TR de SOUZA

He writes there: "   To conclude, there are as many facets of Goan
identity as individuals who associate themselves with Goa, whatever
the intensity of involvement, whatever the length of time, whether
from inside or outside its geographical borders. The multi-faceted
Goan identity accompanies the myriads of hearts and minds with their
myriad talents and potentialities to keep Goa ever young, ever new."

FN +91-832-2409490 or +91-9822122436 f...@goa-india.org
Books from Goa,1556 http://scr.bi/Goa1556Books
Audio recordings (mostly from Goa): http://bit.ly/GoaRecordings

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