Double standards
Permission was granted to MNS Party for holding a rally in Mumbai. No
authorisation for a march of 5 Kms was permitted. Just a few back there was
a a terrible back lash, burning and killings, selecting the police and the
Media.This did not warn the Govt, for preventive action and flare up.May be
the Govt, in its wisdom wanted to break the Shiv Senna votes, giving
popularity and prominence to Raj Thackeray .The recent thaw between the two
cousins did not deter the Govt. in Maharashtra. The meeting was completely
peaceful with no hate speeches for retaliation. It was largely attended and
a roaring success, indicating the popularity of the local outfit. It is
amusing that action is  being contemplated against the Secretary of MNS and
not RAj Thackary
Now the planned strike and sit in at P.M..UPA II Chairperspon and the
President of BJP, It was  peaceful, but the police let loose a merciless
lathi charge on defenseless protesters and lifted Arwind Kejrival without
any reason.Anna Hazare commented favourably, and supported the non violent
charge, as the way to put the arrogant to Govt, to same.Why the Congress
adopts double standards in Maharashtra and Delhi The police brutality does
not make sense, when the protesters could have physically  lifted to
safety. The use of water canons  should have sufficed. The action of the
police  was far to excessive and intimidating.The Congress is getting
deeper in the quagmire of corruption and scams. The electorate is
definitely getting disgusted day by day at repression and suppression of
peaceful democratic rights The Congress is living under illusion, that such
police high handedness will give a reprieve, albeit only temporarily When
the time comes  the repressed feelings will  erupt like a volcano and the
Congress will live to rue the roost The Image of UPA II with the blocking
of Parliament is fueling the anger all around the country
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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