Anna Maria Fernandes wrote thus: I know that those who are for the project
contribute will contribute while others should shut up their mouth and eyes
and keep quiet.

Tony de Sa: You hit the nail on the spot!

AMF: Those with emotions will definetly contribute and we are encouraging
corruption in the catholic church by supporting this movement. Is it not
that in many churches halls are constructed, libraries are construted and
kept close because there is no one to use it ?

TdS: Emotions have nothing to do with it. It is a matter of choice to
contribute or not to contribute. You talk of corruption in the catholic
church as if it is a daily occurrence, while I will concede that there may
be instances of corruption - catholics are human too - one cannot tar the
whole catholic church with the same brush. "....... Therefore, do and
observe all things whatsoever they tell you, but do not follow their
example. ......."

If there are church halls and libraries which are not being used and being
kept closed for want of users, then the parishioners ought to brain storm
and find ways of using these places. Instead of complaining and being a
part of the problem, you ought to take the initiative and become a part of
the solutiion.

AMF:  Where are we taking christ in Pontius Pilate palace or in the stable
? Tony you decide where you want christ to live?

TdS: I'm afraid I do not see the relevance here between Christ and Ponti

Have a nice day


** "Tony de Sa" < tonydesa at gmail dot com > **

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