JC There was a time when some of the 'majordomos' on Goanet refused to believe that BC was the name of the person signing as BC on Goanet. They thought that it was a pseudonym writing through some proxy something. The Maximest of the 'majordomos' on Goanet even implied (based on the post I retrieved about a week ago ...... that BC was actually JC!
That is until a certain scholarly Moidecar went and personally met BC in Macau. Having done the Santo Tome (the doubting one), the Lisboa based Moidecar was able to confirm that BC, indeed is BC! And then, the seas of conspiracy ..... settled down. Why they did not believe BC in the first place ..... beats me. For many years, BC has been railing against what he perceives as having happened to his homeland. To be honest, even I felt that BC may have been a little too extravagant and unreasonable in his criticism. Recently, one of the erudite Moidecars took BC to task with words like "imperial whore masters", "boot lickers" and pronouncing quite loudly that as far as he was concerned, he (the Moidecar) lived in a democracy where one is free to do what he wants......(implying that BC lived in an inferior place) So, I sat down and thought: Wah re Wah ..... this Moira must really be a free place. Reading the most recent (previous 48 hrs) posts, I have reached the conclusion that Ole Xac BC has been right all along. This Moira appears to be a place where one is free to dump garbage wherever one wants to. Humh! COMMENT: Dear Doc, why are you hiding behind the skirts of anonymity - tell us who this moidekar was who met your illustrious BC. BC does not have the guts to put his proper name where his mouth is. If what he is posting is all that hot, why is he hiding behind a pseudonym? Perhaps that suits your medico legal bahamian style. -- ** "Tony de Sa" < tonydesa at gmail dot com > **