Dear Roland,

Thanks for your other half baked post, you didn't get it quite right, roses are 
red, but I prefer waking up at teatime to the sweet smell of dodol.

Come on now, dig deep into your fur lined winter boots, fish out some dollars 
and treat yourself to a major variation on holiday destination, a trip to sunny 
Africa for the true taste of "ugali". Pack bucket and spade and excavate for 
yourself those real reasons we all love East Africa so much. While you are 
fun on the white sands of Bamburi Beach, indulge in a swim in its warm waters, 
don't stray too far, I hear sharks roam these waters and none of us wants to 
say another fond farewell to a goanet favourite like you-know-foo.

Capture the spirit of East Africa, take a once in a lifetime safari lodging in 
camps in the park. They are surrounded by wildlife, there is no reason to get 
wild, whatever you do, refrain from limping from tent to tent at night, this is 
the time when lions hunt and you do not need to convince them you are alive, 
that moves is fair game to feast on.

Malaria tablets are a must, it is not a question of once bitten twice shy, it 
is once bitten, fever will set in and you will have no further requirement of 
e-mail addresses, including mine.

Stepping off the plane, shout out loud "Africa, here I am". Wherever you go, 
smile and greet "Jambo" with a warm handshake, breathe in the air, take in the 
smells and sounds of essence, enjoy a jolly, rolly moment, this 
is a perfect opportunity for you to see East Africa as it is and meet our 
still there who will be happy to show you around. 

Remember, there was a time when everyone thought the world was flat!

Rose Fernandes
Thornton Heath, Surrey, United Kingdom

7 September 2012

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