To Goanet -

When I was in Goa last month, you and I were supposed to
meet. However, that 
did not happen for reasons best known to you. I shall,
therefore, publicly pose the 
questionsI had meant to ask you in
person. They will be posted on Goan forums 
all over the web. 

Each day for the next 5 days I shall intersperse commentary and questions
what I think are the key issues that currently bedevil Goa. 

I do not mean this exercise to be adversarial. As someone who has
you in the past when you were down and out, I am rooting for
you because you 
have the capacity to lead Goa into a better future. The
purpose of this discussion 
is twofold: one, to candidly let you know what is
on my mind, and on the mind of 
many Goans. As your
friend and as someone who cares for Goa you will expect 
less. The second reason is to find out, if possible, the trends in your own 
thinking on the vexing problems of Goa. 

Goans gave you a clear mandate in the election. The crucial point here is
that it 
was a mandate given to YOU, not to the BJP. Goans recognized
that you stood 
out from the dismal cast of politician thieves and criminals
who have sucked the 
life out of Goa the past 7 years. There was much joy
all over the state when you 
were swept back into power. But following your
swearing-in you have made a 
series of puzzling announcements on mining,
casinos, Mopa and other issues 
that have cast serious doubts on both your
motives and your priorities. One 
senses today ripples of nervous
uncertainty among Goans. 

The expectation and hope were that you would be different. It is
surely unfair 
that so much has been dumped on your plate and that so
much is expected of 
you. But you signed up for this job. With Matanhy's sudden departure, you lost 
a strong and capable confidante. You now face
daunting choices, and you have 
to tread very carefully - most Goans get

We don't expect you to turn in miracles and solve Goa's problems in
an instant.
We know that the mess left behind by the Congress rogues will take years
clean up. But what we expect is an honest reckoning and that you will
tell us the 
truth. Goans not only in Goa but all around the world are
watching you closely. 
It is a wholly different universe now from the one
just 2 or3 years ago. Social 
media like Facebook, Twitter, Google,
YouTube and so on have revolutionized 
the reach and speed of

To a politician this is a double-edged sword. If you do right by the people,
new technologies will be a force multiplier to your
advantage. Obversely, if 
you try to pull a fast one on the people of Goa,
there is no way - NO WAY - you 
will be able to get away with it. 

On Day One, I shall discuss mining and casinos. 

You have unfortunately started out on the wrong foot and it has lead to
well-worn meme that you are a U-turn Chief Minister. 

When you said there is no illegal mining in Goa, WHAT WERE YOU
Were you misquoted? If so, why was no clarification issued
right away? What 
exactly did you say? Was this a coded signal to the
miners that all will be well 
for them? These are the questions on the minds
of people today. 

Now that the Shah Commission report is out, the day of reckoning has
The FIRs in and of themselves don't mean much. This should not
turn into a 
dog and pony show, a mere window dressing. No politician of
any standing 
has gone to jail in India the past 50 years. The judicial
process is compromised 
and can be easily gamed by these crooks. Are
you going to appoint a special 
court? If you do not bring these crooks to
account and let them get away, you 
will have betrayed the trust reposed in

While you have rightly trained your sights on Digu and Rane, what about
miners? Are you willing to move against Timblo, Salgaocar, Vedanta
and the 
rest, or are you scared of their financial muscle? 

It is common knowledge that the miners have given large sums of money
both the Congress and the BJP. By mining Goa to death they have
near-dollar billionaires. With that kind of cash sloshing around
they can buy 
off 39 MLAs twice over leaving you moping alone in the
corner. So, how are 
you going to deal with this reality? (Hint: You
have the people of Goa on your side.) 

As regards the draft mining policy, some activists have raised serious
and advanced alternative proposals. I hope you are going to
take them seriously. 
There is a feeling that you may cut behind-the-scenes
deals with the miners 
to offer them favourable loopholes. I can tell tell you
one thing: you won't get 
far if you play fast and loose with trick language
and numbers (some of us 
who haven't attended IIT can read and count,

It is a matter of great concern that you haven't set any timeframe to sunset 
mining. This is the one chance you get to do it right and you seem to be 
squandering the opportunity. 

Your other celebrated U-turn was on casinos. I was present at the rally 
near the jetty in May 2008 where you railed against casinos. Now
you are singing in a different scale. Please explain to us Goans
why these 
casinos are still in the Mandovi. We saw Mr. Mody, the casino
who struts around with bodyguards, occupyinga primeseat
at your outdoor 
inauguration in Campal in March. (Perhaps as your special

You know very well that if you really want to, you can make life miserable 
for the casinos, so miserable that they will pack up and leave. Yet you are 
dithering, spinning a yarn of lame excuses. No one is buying them. You 
have damaged your credibility on this one. 

Tomorrow, I shall talk about Construction and Real Estate.

Warm regards, 


ps: You know how to get in touch with me if you want to. 

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