The Shah Commission confirms what we had known all along, about the outrageous 
theft of Goa's Natural Resource by few priviliged families/individuals, who 
worked in Alliance with Goa's most disgustingly corrupt ex Chief Ministers, ex 
Senior Ministers,  other politicians and Government Officials.   I request each 
Goan to really think of what we could have done in Goa and for Goans,  with the 
35,000 Crores stolen. Local Goans struggle daily to make ends meet and Many 
Overseas Goans have gone abroad to work hard for financial reasons, with severe 
sacrifices done eg staying away from families, loved ones etc; all while crores 
of rupees were being stolen. This is not a simple theft but something of the 
most highest criminal stature, not only from corruption but also from a severe 
environmental destruction point for view.  I call for Criminal Proceedings 
against Politicians/ Government Officials involved, recovering the loot from 
the mining families and using this loot to compensate common man affected, by 
the now immediate need to close or drastically reduce  mining activities in the 


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