Goans must note that Manohar Parrikar as Goa's Chief Minister has not only colluded with the Mine Owners and the Police, he even wanted to slap the Anti-Naxalite Act in Goa to stop all anti-mining agitation and protests against illegal and rampant fraudulent mining. Seby Rodrigues of Siolim would be incarcerated in Aguada jail if Manohar Parrikar and Sujay Gupta [ the PR of Fomento Mines] had their way. Seby happened to be the member of GOA SU-RAJ PARTY. I personally told hundreds of people in the audience at TB Cunha Hall that Manohar Parrikar may not only consider Seby Rodrigues as a Naxalite but me as well and a lot of others too. That we are Goans, well versed with 'KOITEO', the toddy tappers tool. That we shall use these to decapitate anyone who stops us from fighting the malaise of illegal mining in Goa to the detriment of the Goan people.

Seby got a respite but the Mine Owner's pimp did file a 2 crore damage suit against Seby in the Culcutta H C.

In this interview, Manohar Parrikar claims that there was no illegality in mining during his rule?
How come he allowed the police to harrass the agitators?
His own ex deputy CM, Digambar Kamat was the mines minister for all those years that BJP was in the government from 2000 to 2004. Thereafter he continued to be the mines ministers in the congress government. Does Manohar Parrikar expect us to believe that he (MP) was a innocent baby, not knowing what Digamber was doing? Chief Minister is responsible for any and all acts of the Ministers. What does he mean by saying that Digamber Kamat has done illegalities and not me?
Your government has and therefore you as CM are RESPONSIBLE.

In conclusion, the Shah Commission Report also indicts Manohar Parrikar's government and Manohar Parrikar is responsible for all acts of ommission and commission. He should be hanged along with Rane and Digamber.

An Architect friend of mine told me today that the TCP was even worse than it was during the Congress regime. He said that nothing has changed with Manohar Parrikar' s much touted Zero Tolerance for corruption. And, he is right. In fact, we do not see any change at all in Goa's governance. Otherwise, his pal and a friend, Rajan Parrikar would'nt have gone to all that trouble to write 5 Open letters to this zombie who claims that he is above corruption.

Mr. Manohar Parrikar, your government is corrupt. You encourage corruption through your stooges and consultants. You allow your ministers to do what they want. You send them on joy-rides at the cost of tax payers, just like the Congress did. Your governance has no ROAD MAP. It is Ad-Hoc, + Ad-Hoc + Ad-Hoc governance. Otherwise, you will have to show us a single MEMO you have issued to your department heads on how you want things run. That will be the proof of your much touted corruption free governance. By now, you should have solved the chronic Mapusa traffic woes. Your government has done nothing in all these months. ZERO. On the contrary the chaos has increased.

You have scratched the backs of Opposition Politicians like they have scratched yours. Babush Monserrate is one of them. You were allowing him to be crowned the king of Taleigao in 2005 by elections even when you were telling us that you had sacked him. I had to step in and force the ELECTIONS in Taleigao. Can you respond?? You will not. Because your candidate against Babush Monserrate was Babush's own ex-recovery agent. If you are so very intelligent, how come you did not know this? And you mean to tell us you did not know this??

Tum amchea Goemkaranchea Kanant galta reh???


PS: Nothing much will happen after the Shah Commission Report Noise has died down. No one will go to jail. Each crook will protect the other. If these crooks need to see the prison bars from the inside ( like Dayanand Narvekar did... courtesy Manohar Parrikar, and this is appreciated), then it has to be one and only GOA SU-RAJ. There is no will anywhere else. And GOANS will have to trust me on this.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Camillo Fernandes" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2012 12:56 PM

source :
GOA MINDING SCAM - CM Manohar Parrikar overlooks own indictment? He was Goa CM in 2000. =

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