Credit goes to the workshops, they could work miracles
refitting imports with improvised local kits.
  The 'Poojoe' 303 was a Goan mainstay in E. Africa. The company pulled out of 
N. America 
in the 80's.
   The Brit version of the Ambassador was the Morris Oxford: I saw a
survivor from the fifties in Goa, in the late sixties.    
   Naguesh - Pearson, mellow and reassuaring, left one feeling India had won,
even when we had lost.              eric.
Was just wondering if anyone has heard of Surya (or Suria), the
taxi-driver from Mapusa, who had an excellently-maintained Peugeot,
which he maintained literally for decades without a scratch. Someone
was narrating stories about him the other day.... Has anyone one else
any idea of this? FN

PS: Apparently there was a saying in the Mapusa area at one time that
anyone who maintained their car well had "samke Surya-bashin dorla
murre"! Or, you've maintained it just as Surya would....

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