> 25th September,2012
> Press Release
> Bailancho Saad and Goa Domestic Workers Forum held a meeting of domestic
> workers at  Caritas Panjim to press for recognition of domestic workers as
> Workers which entitles them all the rights and benefits given to workers.
> Dr Sabina Martins of Bailancho Saad spoke of the ILO resolution and the
> rights of domestic workers.
> The International Labour organization (ILO ) has in its 189 resolution
>  recognized domestic workers as workers. All member countries have to now
> ratify the resolution and implement it. Though India is yet to ratify the
> resolution ,all state governments were directed to recognize domestic
> workers as workers, as it is a State subject. The state government has to
> include domestic workers in the category of workers in the Minimum Wages
> Act. The Social Security Act 2008 requires that the State make appropriate
> Laws for domestic workers.
> Various states like Maharashtra, Karnatake, Andhra Pradesh ,Tamil nadu,
> Kerala, Delhi. Jharkhand, Bihar  have taken steps to give domestic workers
> their rights. Goa,despite being described as a progressive state, is yet to
> make legislations to  give the domestic workers their due rights.
>  Fr Desmond Dsouza of Goa Domestic and Migrant Workers forum, gave details
> of the work done to ensure that salaries are paid to domestic workers by
> drawing up contract agreement between  domestic workers and employers . A
> draft Bill was prepared and given to late Mathany Saldanha  he stated.
> The meeting demanded that there be compulsory registration of domestic
> workers. A domestic workers welfare board be set up  through which the
> domestic workers can avail schemes like medical insurance, pension and
> other workers welfare schemes given to contract workers  under Contract
> workers welfare board. The other option was to include contract  domestic
> workers  under Contract workers welfare board.
> Domestic workers Roslyn, Panna,Shainaz, Salima, Deepti, Christene, Suman
>   raised several issues like long hours of work, no fixed leave ,  no
> overtime , no retirement scheme and other benefits given to workers. Those
> who have suffered injury at work and cannot work now live as destitute.
> Sr Maggie spoke about the number of domestic workers who come for various
> type of assistance.
> The meeting decided to hand over a memorandum to the Chief Minister to
> press for inclusion of domestic workers as workers in the Minimum Wages
> Act. The meeting also decided to hold a domestic workers convention to
> press for a National Domestic Workers Act and appropriate state
> legislations since domestic workers is a state subject. The meeting also
> decided to call upon trade unions and labour organisations to support the
> demand.
> Sabina Martins
> For  Bailancho Saad

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