Dear Roland

Not only did I have to spend precious time advising you on Indian Passports, 
PIOs, OCIs and Portuguese Passports, I now realise your geography is such that 
necessitates me shopping early for your Christmas present, an easy to 
understand World Map. This will have to wait 9 days as I am off on holiday to 
Rimini (clue: 
Italy NOT Canada).

Still, I do give credit where its due and thank you for thinking of fossils, I 
have renamed my E-database from "Stray Thoughts" to "Fossilites" to file your 
postings cross referenced with two other files "Jokes from Bombay Wallah" and 
"Ideas for the Undir Papa Board Game". 

As your aspirations in life are to be a worldwide expert on fossils, one 2012 
for your collection, more to follow on my return:

Rose Fernandes
Thornton Heath, Surrey, United Kingdom
1 October 2012

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