re: "whether one agrees with DD's views or not, it is quite
presumptuous of us to think of the women concerned as victims".

 Mervyn Lobo wrote

[1] Dinesh D'Souza was pushed off a cliff by his employer.
[2] His employer investigated his behavior and found him either the
victim or offender of Christian ethos.
[3] I do not think good Christian folks would throw a victim off a cliff

Dear Mervyn,

I agree with #3 above. I'd say the same about any good Hindu, Sikh etc
+ any good non-believer too. I'd hasten to add that NOT every person
who claims to be a 'Christian' etc is a good person.

I am not sure if DD was pushed off the cliff or whether conditions
were made such that he .....

re #2: Investigation? what investigation? I trust that we have heard
about "choreography".

My personal position is that:

a: We should leave the personal matters of others  (in this case -
woman #2) alone - unless they affect us (as a people)

b: When we 'make victims'  of adult women who have NOT been forced
into a relationship, we are ,in effect, stating that those women have
"NO brains".

c: There is enough for us to critique DD for his views. We should be
able to do it openly and logically + based on facts NOT on some blah
blah. (This is specifically for the attention of the journos and
feature writers). We should also be willing to be challenged. Unless
of course, we belong to 'Clube Hit and Run'.


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