Date: 21 October, 2012

Editors, Bureau Chiefs, Staff Reporters, Admins of Blogs & Distribution Lists, Ors.

Sub: Goa Cabinet settles for 1 Kilometer Buffer-Zone for Protected Areas - PRESS NOTE FOR KIND FAVOUR OF PUBLICATION.

The Goa Su-Raj Party is unhappy about the Goa Government's Cabinet decision to settle for just ONE KILOMETER as the 'Buffer-Zone' for protected areas. If the Minister for Environment and Forests, Ms Alina Saldanha is of the opinion that the said Buffer-Zone should be TWO KILOMETERS instead of ONE, this conviction of the Minister should have carried in the decision of the Cabinet. It is puzzling that the Minister should voice her convictions after all is said and done.

This Party feels that this is a MATCH-FIXING by the ever so shrewd and calculating Chief Minister of Goa who is synonymous with U-Turns, where he will be projected as ' ALL ACCOMMODATING CM , by later giving in to the preferences of the Minister for Environment and Forests of TWO KILOMETER Buffer-Zone, to further appease the hungry, so called 'Catholic Community' of Goa. If this is not true, then this Party wants to know from Ms. Saldanha if she actually hard-pressed for a 2 kilometer Buffer-Zone at the Cabinet meeting and if her demand for the same was rejected by the Cabinet Members, and which Members.

This Party is adamant that not 2 Kilometer but a 10 Kilometer Universal Buffer-Zone is a MUST for Goa's protected areas, whether mining leases shall be terminated or not. This Party is for a total BAN on mining activity in Goa forever, after the incisive and indictive Shah Commission's Report and the subsequent Supreme Court Order maintaining the Ban on mining in Goa. Goa is capable of surviving on alternative measures to replace the mining bonanza, which bonanza only benefitted the private mine owning families, power-loading them to seat and unseat complying and non-complying Governments in Goa to suit their purposes of looting and plundering Goa, not forgetting the bonanza that GOA has offered to the Central Government of India for the past 50 years compelling it to keep Goa's demand for Special Status at bay, the INVASION OF GOA by armed military action, notwithstanding, against all professed flowery promises to GOANS by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, the First Premier of India, of protecting their land and their UNIQUE IDENTITY. If the EXPLOITATION of the rich mineral resources of GOA, which resources are a Gift of Providence to Goa and Goans, have not benefitted Goa and Goans in the past and are not going to benefit them in the future, and instead, will snatch away the security of GOA'S POSTERITY, then let these rich mineral resources lie where they are, buried and untouched, whether the Goa Government or for that matter the Central Government LIKES IT OR NOT.

for Goa Su-Raj Party-GSRP
Floriano Lobo
Gen. Secretary & Spokesperson
383A Pirazona Moira Bardez Goa-403 507
TeleFax:91 832 2470 223
Mobile: 9890470896 - 9422060347

Goa Su-Raj Party strongly believes that Parliamentary Elections must be contested by National Parties only AND/OR by a Federation of State Regional Parties. with a reciprocating understanding by the National Parties that the 'State Elections' shall be the prerogative of State Registered Political Parties only. Even then, and in the absence of such a ruling by the Election Commission of India, GSRP would want GOANS who are ERUDITE, knowledgeable about India and its problems, as well as World affairs, 'STATESMEN/WOMEN' , to contest on it's 'TICKET' in the coming 2014 Parliamentary Elections. Let GOA endeavour to send two real Parliamentarians to the House of the People in New Delhi for once.

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