by Dolphy Dsouza                   


The Christian community is truly a soft target as is evident from the following 
happenings and it is time for us to wake up and take a stand.


1.      Our Lady of Assumption Church and St Joseph's School- Kandivali West


The BMC issued an acquisition notice to the Church / School to surrender  parts 
of the Cemetery, School Ground and Church for widening of the famously  Poisar 
River which has now become a stinking Nullah [Gutter]  all because of the 
callousness of the BMC authorities.


The core of the Brimstowad Project is that the flow of the river [now a 
gutter]should be cleared so that the storm water flows clearly in the sea 
without any blockages or impediments which will cause flooding.  


Also the point to be noted is that this project was studied and a plan 
constructed in 2008, despite this  the  BMC and other authorities have approved 
constructions, just at the border of the nullah in numerous sites. The  amazing 
fact is that a bridge at Dahanukar wadi near the Church   recently constructed 
has a width which  is less than 38 feet besides it being low that will act as 
an impediment for the free flow of water. When questioned  why this factors 
were not taken into consideration, the BMC cited lack of funds , so the 
question is who are we fooling here ?. 


Hence there is no logic in widening the Nullah near the Cemetry /School / 
Church  side. 

And instead of addressing this issue the BMC wants to waste the tax payers 
money by demolishing existing structures and reconstructing at their cost what 
they can easily achieve by de-silting the nullah and preventing garbage/ debris 
 from being dumped as  now it has turned into a stinking nullah. 


Have the BMC understood the objective of the project or are they interpreting 
the same blindly, whereby a huge amount of money which can be used for needed 
projects is being wasted, just because someone cannot think clearly or do not 
want to?.


We stand to lose 100's of our graves of our ancestors, the Children numbering 
over 1700 lose a playground and the BMC cannot provide open spaces [ whatever 
empty spaces are left are usurped by unscrupulous builders in connivance with 
the politicians and authorities]. 


Also when the new church was constructed couple of years ago the BMC insisted 
that certain areas be demarcated and kept free for fire control and other 
regulations, now the same BMC is stating that they can over look the same in 
the name of progress. which means that in the name of progress all rules and 
regulations which are by the book can be  erased.so then why make such rules?


What purpose this widening will help for the smooth flow of water is a mystery 
because at Mith-chowky (Malad) a major chunk of the nullah space has been 
encroached under the very nose of the various authorities.


On two occasions the said church had given land in front of the church for road 
widening without asking / claiming for any compensation. Tomorrow they might 
ask the premises of the whole church including the grounds for other purposes 
which we can never foretell. BMC works in strange ways.

This church is an heritage precinct with a history of over 400 years.


2.      St Anthonys Church at Malawani, Malad West.


A similar notice of acquisition for road widening was issued by the BMC 
authorities. This is also an heritage precinct. 


While they want the church land for road widening,  exactly opposite the Church 
premises  they have  allowed constructions of residential / commercial premises 
for which permissions were given  as late as 2001.  


While the church authorities have made several representations they have fallen 
on deaf ears.


3.      Cemetery on the East side of the Western Suburbs..


On October 14, 2012 there was a massive rally at Kandivali East of over 4000 
Christians demanding their cemetery.

In 1996, land was allotted for a composite cemetery. But owing to the alleged 
negligence/ lapses of the BMC in not constructing the designated boundaries,  
this land was encroached upon. While the Muslim and the Hindu community got 
their burial grounds, the Christians had no place to bury their dead as it was 
encroached upon. The whole belt from Khar to  Dahisar  does not have a 
Christian burial ground. There are over 3 lakh Christians  and they dread death 
 because the cost of burying their  dear ones is expensive as the nearest 
Cemeteries at Charkop ,Malad West or Oshiwara,  Goregaon West which are  at a 
distances of   more than 5-15 kms. 


>From 2003 the United Christian Community Centre  has been agitating on this 
>issue.Everyone including  politicians promise. But when it comes to 
>implementation they go into a coma.


The various groups have been contact with the local MP Shri Sanjay Nirupam. We 
thank him for his involvement,  but patience is slowly running out as we are  
still unaware whether our issues will really be resolved or not ? 


There have  been constant approach by the Government and the BMC authorities in 
the past  to systematically  target spaces of the Church and the community. In 
the past they had tried to acquire the St Andrews' Church Cemetery  and other 
parts, St Peters Church / St Stanislaus School spaces  and the Parsi Aguiary on 
Hill Road, Bandra on the pretext of road widening. A defiant community and the 
various NGO's [H West Federation, The Bombay Catholic Sabha, Activists and 
concerned Politicians] made a hue and cry and the concerned authorities  had to 
abandon their  nefarious designs.


St Josephs School , Hill Road land was given most willingly for footpath/  road 
widening and now it has been encroached by Hawkers and others. Holy Family 
Church and School have given major chunks of their land for road widening at 
Chakala recently and several others too.


In 1942 under the Defence of India rules large chunks of land were acquired for 
defence purposes from the East Indian  Christian Community in the Sahar 
/Santacruz belt. The community gave it most willingly for the nation at a 
pittance. And today parts of the same land has been passed on to  private 
developers  to build 5 star hotels etc. Recently MIAL, [Airport Authorities]  
made an attempt to acquire Sahar Church/  School land and those of the 
residents for the purposes of  airport expansion which was purely for building 
convention malls / golf course etc. The sustained agitation by Sahar Citizen 
Forum, St John Save Church Committee , Bombay Catholic Sabha and several others 
 led to the abandoning of acquiring these properties.


We are asking for land since 1996 for a  Cemetry on the Eastern side of the 
Western suburbs which the BMC cannot provide and BMC demands land from the 
Churches/ Schools  as a matter of right.


BMC usually fails to plan but in this case their plans are surely going to 
fail. This type of bullying won't do now. If they still insist in  acquiring 
the said lands or do not provide us a Cemetry in a time bound manner  than the 
community will have no choice but make this a political issue for the 
forthcoming elections of 2014 or earlier if it happens. 


Are the authorities taking us for granted?,or maybe they rely on the fact that 
we are a peace loving and law abiding community and can be easily trampled 


Are they really concerned about the genuine grievances of the community and are 
working on solving them? 


Or maybe  they want a peace loving & law abiding community no option 

but to vent their feelings and frustrations by a peaceful agitation.




We appeal to the Chief Minister to step in to solve these just demands. Is the 
Chief Minister listening????


Dolphy D'souza


43, Kalina, Santarcuz East, Mumbai 400 029. Cell: 09820226227. Email: 


[The author of this article is Immd. Past President of The Bombay Catholic 
Sabha and former National Vice-President of the All India Catholic Union]


We invite you  to be part of this campaign by joining the facebook page:

"Peoples stand for their land- OLAC & St Joseph High School" 


and also be part of the google group by sending an email to : 


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