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Barack Obama wins election for second term as president

By Liz Goodwin, Yahoo! News
National Affairs Reporter

Supporters cheer after networks project an Obama victory. (Chip 
Somodevilla/Getty Images)
President Barack Obama handily defeated Gov. Mitt Romney and won himself a 
second term Tuesday after a bitter and historically expensive race that was 
primarily fought in just a handful of battleground states. Obama beat Romney 
after nabbing the crucial state of Ohio.
The Romney campaign's last-ditch attempt to put blue-leaning Midwestern swing 
states in play failed as Obama's Midwestern firewall sent the president back to 
the White House for four more years. Obama picked up the swing states of New 
Hampshire, Michigan, New Mexico, Iowa, Virginia, Wisconsin, Colorado, Nevada, 
Pennsylvania, Minnesota, and Ohio. Florida is still too close to call, but even 
if Romney won the state, Obama still handily beats him in the Electoral College 
vote. The popular vote will most likely be much narrower than the president's 
decisive Electoral College victory.
The Obama victory marks an end to a years-long campaign that saw historic 
advertisement spending levels, countless rallies and speeches, and three 
much-watched debates.
The Romney campaign cast the election as a referendum on Obama's economic 
policies, frequently comparing him to former President Jimmy Carter and asking 
voters the Reagan-esque question of whether they are better off than they were 
four years ago. But the Obama campaign pushed back on the referendum framing, 
blanketing key states such as Ohio early on with ads painting him as a 
multimillionaire more concerned with profits than people. The Obama campaign 
also aggressively attacked Romney on reproductive rights issues, tying Romney 
to a handful of Republican candidates who made controversial comments about 
rape and abortion.
These ads were one reason Romney faced a steep likeability problem for most of 
the race, until his expert performance at the first presidential debate in 
Denver in October. After that debate, and a near universal panning of Obama's 
performance, Romney caught up with Obama in national polls, and almost closed 
his favoribility gap with the president. In polls, voters consistently gave him 
an edge over Obama on who would handle the economy better and create more jobs, 
even as they rated Obama higher on caring about the middle class.
But the president's Midwestern firewall--and the campaign's impressive 
grassroots operation--carried him through. Ohio tends to vote a bit more 
Republican than the nation as a whole, but Obama was able to stave off that 
trend and hold an edge there over Romney, perhaps due to the president's 
support of the auto bailout three years ago. Romney and his running mate Paul 
Ryan all but moved to Ohio in the last weeks of the campaign, trying and 
ultimately failing to erase Obama's lead there.
A shrinking electoral battleground this year meant that only 14 states were 
really seen as in play, and both candidates spent most of their time and money 
there. Though national polls showed the two candidates in a dead heat, Obama 
consistently held a lead in the states that mattered. That, and his campaign's 
much-touted get out the vote efforts and overall ground game, may be what 
pushed Obama over the finish line.
Now, Obama heads back to office facing what will most likely be bitterly 
partisan negotiations over whether the Bush tax cuts should expire. The House 
will still be majority Republican, with Democrats maintaining their majority in 
the Senate.
The loss may provoke some soul searching in the Republican Party. This election 
was seen as a prime opportunity to unseat Obama, as polls showed Americans were 
unhappy with a sluggish economy, sky-high unemployment, and a health care 
reform bill that remained widely unpopular. Romney took hardline positions on 
immigration, federal spending, and taxes during the long Republican primary 
when he faced multiple challenges from the right. He later shifted to the 
center in tone on many of those issues, but it's possible the primary painted 
him into a too-conservative corner to appeal to moderates during the general 
election. The candidate also at times seemed unable to effectively counter 
Democratic attacks on his business experience and personal wealth.


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