Good bye my friend Anthony

Other day, I also wanted to  phone you to join me, 1st attempt, 
there was no coverage.
30 minutes later, just before 2nd attempt, I change my mind as we 
needed to give you at least 30 minutes to get yourself ready and 
we were running late...
Half way to Assolna, we get a call from another friend/neighbour.
‘did you get Anthony’s news?’  I said no, what happen..?
We were shocked..

You were with me at Colva Fama 15.10.12

Adieus my friend

This pic is about 3 years old

This pic also shows above pic + Anthony in the coffin & mobile morgue

Another case of suicide ?
Bapa kakutin polle..
Pau amkam ani peleak, 
Sovoskai di meloleak 

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