In the country of
blind one eyed man is the King.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau, The
Confessions, 1765

February 11, 2006 is a day to be remembered for the
posterity in the history of Goa. On this day Bamani agenda was pushed
aggressively ahead and sold 4,85,275 square meters of Vanxim land to Bamon
Mahendra Gaunekar. This land that belonged to Santa Monica convent was sold on
behalf of Archbishop Felipe Neri Ferrao by then procurator Fr. Arlino De Mello
for rate that does not exceed Rs.20/- per square meter. The total amount
received by the church officially is just Rs. 55,04,150/- .

Church in Goa has claimed for last one year that Vanxim was
sold legally. It claimed so even when no one had ever accused it of illegal
sale. The accusation has been that Vanxim has been sold without consulting
people of Vanxim at all.  Bamani
machinery was at work in this transaction right from the beginning of this
conspiracy. Next three years every precaution was taken to make sure that no
one in Vanxim will be made aware of the sale so that sale deed does not get
challenged in the court of law so that the future legal challenges in court of
law are time barred and invalid after 3 years. They are invalid in civil
courts. This is a case of criminal application of mind against mulnivasis.

The simple question is as to why Archbishop Bamon Felipe
Neri Ferrao did not feel it is necessary to consult Vanxim villagers before the
sale deed was affected on February 11, 2006? Why did he not take any proactive
steps to inform Vanxim villagers that he has sold Vanxim to another Bamon
Mahendra Gaunekar? Why did he sold Vanxim so cheaply at he rate of Rs 6/- to Rs
20/- per square meter? 

Public has been told through late clarifications in 2011 through
Fr.Francisco Caldeira that Vanxim was sold to contribute towards the
maintainance of Santa Monica convent. If Santa Monica Convent was in need of
monetary assistance then why members of public were not informed and donations
sort? What was such a great emergency for Santa Monica convent that such a huge
land in Vanxim had to be sold? If Archbishop believes in fund raising through
selling of church immovable property then why Bishop’s palace in Panjim is not
sold to raise funds for Oratarian constructions project in Old Goa? Why crore
of rupees are raised there through public fund raising? All these questions
have to be address by Archbishop and answered honestly, even though it is going
to be tough. If he does not answer then he is a leading entire Church
institution in Goa towards only Bamani agenda without any other consideration
of mulnivasi Christians adhering to Roman Catholic Church.

According to Canon Law that governs the Church functioning
world wide Christians are placed on obligation to promote social justice. This
directive flows from Canon 222 (2) “Christians are also obliged to promote
social justice, and mindful of the Lord, to assist the poor from their own
resources.” Archbishop Bamon Felipe Neri Ferrao has violated this Canon of the
Church itself and is party to the promotion of grave injustice not only to the
people of Vanxim but to entire population of Goa specially those adhering to
the Roman catholic Church. The scandalous sale of Vanxim does inflict terrible
blow to Canon 222 (2) and it becomes more then ample clear that Archbishop
Bamon Felipe Neri Ferrao has been working to promote social injustice. Just
because people are God fearing they have been taken for a jolly good ride not
for interest of the church but for the interest of the Eurassian bamons that
have infiltrated top decision making bodies of the Church in Goa to the
detriment of mulnviasi people of Goa specially the Christians.  No wonder 
church is Goa never shares and
teaches Cannon law to the faithful and kept it as top secret so that Bamons can
have their say as well as sway; for them ignorance of mulnivasis is a bliss. 

Canon 287 (1) states “most especially, clerics are always to
foster the peace and harmony based on justice which are to be observed amongst
people.” Goa’s chief cleric bamon Felipe Neri Ferrao has abandoned foundation
of justice with the Vanxim sale and rendered him incompetent to promote genuine
peace and harmony. He can only pretend as his action of selling Vanxim only
exhibits his bamani fangs against mulnivasis. The other clerics in Goa either
collaborate with him or those who disagree are living in fear of Archbishop
Felipe Neri Ferrao. When pastors are living in such a grave bamani fear they
are living the life of captivity and are in need of liberation themselves. This
country does not belong to bamons. This is our country, the country of
mulnivasis and Bamons are invaders. There is no reason to fear Eurasians
including the Archbishop Bamon Felipe Neri Ferrao. Fearless life is better than
fearful life. We are not to have any fear of any human beings specially the

Canon 528 (1) urges pastors to preach ‘even to what pertains
to social justice’. Goa Archbishop Bamon Felipe Neri Ferrao has lost moral
ground to preach on justice. In 2011 preaching at all the Novenas of St.Francis
Xavier feast in Old Goa were on the theme of environment, yet the Archbishop
himself has set the example of selling Vanxim for the purpose of golf courses,
luxury tourism, gambling, spa and exerting tremendous pressure on mulnivasi
people to abandon their dwelling habitats. The preaching during novenas last
year has been the mockery of his own very self that is leading the Church in
the direction opposite to justice. He is leading the church towards setting up
of Bamon Raj. Themes selected for 2012 St. Francis Xavier’s novenas is an
indicator of this trend. These themes does not seem to promote social justice
as per canon law 528 (1). 

Lets examine these themes (1) Life in faith is full of love. The deed of 
Archbishop Bamon Felipe
Neri Ferrao in selling Vanxim does not exhibit any kind of faith based
love.  His faith and love reserved for
Bamons is visible in undisputed, undiluted form. This theme promotes social 

(2) Life in Faith is
wealth in poverty. With the sale of Vanxim to Bamon Gaunekar in unethical
manner his glorious Bamani agenda dimension is very clear. Bamons are being
made wealthy and mulnivasis are being made poor. This theme promotes social

(3) Life in faith is
success in narrow entrance. Surely Archbishop Bamon Felipe Neri Ferrao has
made entrance to success truly narrow. Vanxim people are driven to the brink of
displacement. Corporate Ozone group has even printed booklet modeling and
refashioning Vanxim. This was possible to them only because of irresponsible,
arrogant and disgusting act of Archbishop Bamon Felipe Neri Ferrao in selling

(4) Life in faith is a
weapon of Justice and Peace. It must be observed that this Archbishop has
been practicing bamanism from the core of his heart. Why no Bamon priests are
transferred to Pernem and Canacona talukas? Why Bamon priests are given undue 
to be Parish Priests in wealthy Parishes? This discrimination must stop or it
will only cut Archbishop Bamon Felipe Neri Ferrao like a sword. 

(5) Life in faith is
honesty in corrupt society. Archbishop Bamon Felipe Neri Ferrao is sitting
with unaccounted money received from Vanxim Sale in absolutely corrupt manner
even violating canon law. It is for the Archbishop to stop being corrupt by
cancelling the Vanxim sale deed. Religion is used only to cover up and make
people docile and submissive to the corrupt practices inculcated and even
implemented inside the church due to highly manipulative Bamani infiltration.
Corruption in India is a by-product of bamanism in India. Corruption will end
only when bamanism ends. Corruption is a life and blood of Bamanism. 

(6) Life in faith is
merciful in towards cruel. Archbishop bamon Felipe Neri Ferrao with all his
deeds in Vanxim sale proved beyond doubt that he is honest only to Bamon
Gaunekar and his cruelty is exhibited through his highhandedness and cheating
through Vanxim Sale. And what is most interesting is that he is not willing to 
the sale deed even though it is in his powers to do so. Truly this is not the
sign of humane and balanced mind. It is mind full of cruelty, a hallmark of
origin of Bamanism.  Act of selling
Vanxim by Archbishop Bamon Felipe Neri Ferrao speaks volumes on his cruel,
sharp mind. If this mind is allowed to take ahead the church leadership in Goa
then future is not difficult to predict: Bamon Raj. We mulnivasis cannot take
what he does lying down. What Archbishop is doing is correct for Bamons and
wrong for mulnivasis. Priests in parishes are trembling in fear of this 
Person with fear has not capacity to lead fearlessly. 

(7) Life in faith is a
clean conscious in pretentious society. One look at the deed of Archbishop
Bamon Felipe Neri Ferrao makes is abundantly clear that he is not only
pretentious but also without conscience – clean or dirty or totally ugly. He is
following bamani doctrine of manusmriti that justify cheating for the purpose
of promoting Bamani interest. 

(8) Life in faith is
solution to divided creation. What solution Archbishop Bamon Felipe Neri
Ferrao is speaking when he himself is actively promoting Bamonshahi? One bamon
selling Vanxim to another bamon is very clear signal that Goa’s Archbishop is
an active party in Bamon conspiracy against Mulnivasis in Goa. No priest is
able to speak against him openly because he has kept them not only in fear but
also divided. Division in Indian society begins from Bamons and in Goa it is no

(9) Life in faith is
support to those in struggle.  Currently struggle of Archbishop is as to how to
strengthen hold of bamanism over the church and society in Goa. Nothing else
matters to him. We mulnivasis can see through the gimmicks much more clearly 
than yesterday.

For us mulnivasis all the above themes are sterile. For us
life in faith is full-blooded rebellion against bamanism. And we live our life
to the fullest. And this is a theme of fundamental justice in India. 

Vita consecrata 82
urges members of institutes of consecrated life “to denounce the injustices
committed against so many sons and daughters of God and commit themselves to
the promotion of justice.” Who will denounce Archbishop bamon Felipe Neri
Ferrao when he himself is involved such as massive scandal of Vanxim sale?   
whisper will grow into roar of tomorrow. It is just a matter of time that Bamon
raj is torn asunder and mulnivasis attain their liberation from bamon tyranny. 
is the time for mulnivasi priests to rise up against all the Bamani evils
taking place all over Goa.

Now lets put Vanxim sale to the test of provisions of Canon
Law that governs the affairs of the Church.  According to Canon law 1291 “the 
permission of
the authority competent according to the norm of law is required for the valid
alienation of goods which constitute by legitimate designation the stable
patrimony of a public juridic person and whose value exceeds the sum defined by

Alienation means transfer of ownership through any of the three means
sale, gift, or exchange. In case of Vanxim sale as a method that is used to
transfer ownership to Bamon Mahendra Gaunekar by Archbishop Bamon Felipe Felipe
Neri Ferrao. He has not declared in public as to whose permission has he taken
before effecting sale deed in February 2006 neither has he disclosed the value
of the sold land in Vanxim. Was it 20 rupees or 6 rupees per square meter?

Next canon 1292 dealing with alienation has for parts: “(1)
Without prejudice to the prescript of can. 638 (3), when the value of the goods
whose alienation is proposed falls within the minimum and maximum amounts to be
defined by the conference of bishops for its own region, the competent
authority is determined by the statutes of juridic persons if they are not
subject to the diocesan bishop; otherwise, the competent authority is the
diocesan bishop with the consent of the financial council, the college of
consultors, and those concerned. The diocesan bishop himself also needs their
consent to alienate the goods of the diocese.

(2) The permission of the Holy See is also required for the
valid alienation of goods whose value exceeds the maximum amount, goods given
to the Church by vow, or goods precious for artistic or historical reasons.

(3) If the assets to be alienated is divisible, the parts
already alienated must be mentioned when seeking permission for the alienation;
otherwise the permission is invalid.

(4) Those who by advice or consent must take part in
alienating goods are not to offer advice or consent unless they have first been
thoroughly informed both of the economic state of the juridic person whose
goods are proposed for alienation and of previous alienations.”

It is crystal clear from the Canon Law 1924 (4) that the
prior advice, thorough information and consent of Vanxim people were necessary
before affecting the sale deed of Vanxim land in February 2006. Archbishop is
guilty of violating Canon law in this case.

Another fact comes to the fore that the crucial and most
vital decision of minimum and maximum amount of land to be sold is taken by
Catholic Bishop’s Conference of India (CBCI). What are the limits set? Who has
this information? Why Archbishop has not made this information public?

Who are members of financial council and college of
consultors that gave consent to Archbishop to sell  Vanxim land. Why as per 
Canon 1292 (1) Vanxim
people were not consulted before the sale deed even though their rights are to
be affected in the circumstances after this sale deed. This violation of Canon
law points towards direct involvement of Archbishop Felipe Neri Ferrao in
Bamani conspiracy against mulnivasis.

“Canon 1293 (1) The alienation of goods whose value exceeds
the defined minimum amount also requires the following:

A just cause, such as urgent necessity, evident
advantage, piety, charity, or some other grave pastoral reason;

A written appraisal by experts of the asset to
be alienated.

Other precautions prescribed by legitimate authority are also to be observed to
avoid harm to the church.

1294 (1) An asset ordinarily must not be alienated for a price less than that
indicated in the appraisal.

The money received from the alienation is either to be invested carefully for
the advantage of the Church or to be expended prudently according to the
purposes of alienation?”

 What was a just cause that warranted sale of
Vanxim? What was the urgent necessity that led of sale of Vanxim? What was the
evident advantage that prompted sale of Vanxim? What was the consideration of
piety that led to selling of Vanxim? What was charity that prompted sale of
Vanxim? What was the other grave pastoral reason that led to sale of Vanxim?
The officially statement by Fr. Fransisco Caldeira reasons that the Vanxim was
sold to provide for maintenance of Santa Monica convent does not fit the 
of canon law 1293. It is not a just cause because sale of Vanxim caused
injustice on people of Vanxim. There was no evident advantage, not even
financial advantage when it was sold for Rs.6/- to Rs. 20/- per square meters
when market rate at that was 1000 times more. So Vanxim was sold with evident
disadvantage to the diocese. 

were the experts of Bishop that gave written appraisal advocating sale of
Vanxim? How many experts were appointed on this task? Why their reports are not
made public? Why their names are not made public? Why Archbishop is operating
in secrecy in Vanxim on violations of Canon law? Did these experts write a 
underestimated report?

was the amount arrived at in appraisal report of experts? When these reports of
experts are going to be made public?

per canon 1294 (1) land cannot be ordinarily sold. It is the duty of the Church
to make sure that it is not going to be used for unethical purposes such as
golf tourism, casinos, sex tourism, etc. In Vanxim case entire process of sale
itself is case of fraudulency in total violation of canon laws.

sale of church land by Archbishop bamon Felipe Neri Ferrao to another Bamon
Mahendra Gaunekar is completely unethical, marred with corruption and part of
wider bamani conspiracy to make mulnivasi people of Goa captives of bamon raj.
There is no ground left to be turned in which puss of corruption and Bamanism
does not flow smoothly in the case of Vanxim sale. Considering Vanxim
experience none of other projects undertaken by Archbishop Bamon Felipe Neri
Ferrao cannot be ruled out for being done in the interest of Bamanism and
against the interest of mulnivasis.

the question arises as to whether Pontiff is aware of Bamanism in Goa and
India. It is not certain as to what information he has. But it is certain that
Apostolic Nuncio to India, His Excellency, the most reverend Archbishop
Salvatore Pennacchio who visited Goa last year on 3rd December 2011
to celebrate feast mass in Old Goa, is very well aware of caste discriminations
in India. He was present at the South Asian Symposium on Church’s Social
Doctrine in Honour of Blessed Pope John Paul II organized jointly by FABC’
office of Human Development and CBCI’ Comission for Theology and Doctrine that
took place at St. Pius College, Goregaon, Mumbai on 14 to 16 October 2011. At
this symposium Research Scholar (Law) B.M.Leela Kumari from Aacharya Nagarjuna
University made a written submission on caste discriminations in India titled
‘the question of Dalit women today and church’s response.’ The paper includes
reference of bamani doctrine of manusmriti as well as to the speeches of Dr.
B.R.Ambedkar. It is for him (Apostolic Nuncio, His Excellency, the Most
Reverend Archbishop Salvatore Pennacchio) to take the message of Bamanism
practices by Goa Archbishop to the Pontiff for greater common good of mulnivasi
Christians in India.

let us deal with the issue of what is to be done with this Archbishop Bamon
Felipe Neri Ferrao in Goa. The solution lies in 1 Corinthians 9-13 “In my last
letter I instructed you not to associate with immoral people. I did not mean,
of course, those who do not belong to the Church and who are immoral, greedy,
embezzlers or worshippers of idols. Otherwise you would have to leave this
world. What I really meant was to avoid and not to mingle with those who,
calling themselves brothers, become immoral, greedy, or idolators, gossipers,
drunkards, or embezzlers. In which case you should not even eat with them. It
is no concern of mine to judge outsiders. But you, are you not to judge those
who are inside? Let God judge those outside, but as for you, drive out the 
from among you.” 

Bamon Felipe Neri Ferrao has not only violated Canon Law by selling 
without giving thorough information prior to the sale deed, and seeking 
their advice
and consent for sale but sold this island with underestimated written
appraisals that he has kept secret till date. Vanxim island was sold for
 a song and there is not an iota of doubt in the air that Archbishop is
involved in massive embezzlement and black money. Otherwise Vanxim sale 
at the rate
of Rs.6/- to Rs.20/- is unexplainable. All these acts of Archbishop are 
acts and through his hard work he has qualified himself as evil-doer. 
Now it is
for all the mulnivasi Christians in Goa to reward him as per 1 
Corinthian 9-13:
do not mingle with him, do not eat with him and drive him away. 

This flows from
the writings of St. Paul himself. It is therefore becomes duty of Christians to
make sure that they do not mingle with Archbishop Bamon Felipe Neri Ferrao,
Share any food at lunch, dinner and breakfast with him, and if he is around
drive him away, for this is a well deserved reward that he has earned through 
of Vanxim in violating of Canon Law.

in India kept mulnviasi people from making Constitution of India accessible and
understandable. Church in India kept Canon Law away from access and
understanding. Both the instances point towards desire to promote strategic
ignorance. Ignorance is of strategic importance to Eurasian Bamons in India. 
Philosopher John Stuart Mill calls it ‘Contended ignorance’ that elite foster.
Socialogist Wilred Parreto has analyzed pointed out that with this type of
scenario it become easy to circulate power amongst elites sometime Foxes capture
power other times after foxes are discredited Lions take over power. Both are
elites. In case of Goa once Bamons in Congress got discredited Bamons in BJP
took over power. Archbishop Felipe Neri Ferrao only facilitated this process.
All the time it is Bamons or their Chamchas in power. Culprit is M.K.Gandhi and
his Poona Pact of 1932 that was forced on Dr.Ambedkar.

stranglehold of Bamons has to be shattered and dismantled. Fearless 
speaking and
attacking bamanism is very important because Bamons rule with deception 
and creating
fear. The masks have to be torn apart. The process has already began. 
time Bamons attack us hiding under any of the masks they will be 
responded with
full-fledged retaliation. With Vanxim sale Bamons have got themselves 
and only they are to be blamed for attacks on themselves, for they have 
for it by interfering and messing for the sake of Bamani interest in 
Vanxim against mulnivasis. It is truly disgusting and shameful that all 
this is done by Archbishop of Goa: he has become chief ring leader of 
bamanism in Goa with his hidden collaborators but with open and common 
intentions of Bamon Raj.


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