The problem is that often two Goans cannot quite agree with "Goan" food is.
This is where many of our problems stem from -- not the mythical "outsider"
but due to the sharp contradictions within our own society.

For instance, a number of State-run institutions tend to approve only a
certain type of diet in today's Goa. I was told at one of the cultural
centres in Margao that "non-vegetarian" food is disallowed to be served in
the canteen.

On what grounds are such decisions made? If chicken (which is also
offensive to a section of the 'pure vegetarians' in Goa) is okay, then why
not allow beef or pork to those who want to consume it? Wouldn't it be best
if people just got the chance to opt for the food they want, instead of
attempting to impose the food tastes and preferences of some on others?
Isn't this some form of food Fascism?

Recently, there has been a huge hue and cry against eating frog meat during
the monsoons, a staple of simple village folk in some areas. But it's
probably true that more frogs (and other life forms) are killed by the
pesticides, weedicies and fertilizers we dump into our fields, as compared
to the "frog hunting", which to one's mind is not such a serious problem as
made out to be.

So who decides, and on what bases? Intuition? Bias? Forcing our own
preferences on the rest? Do people have a choice? This reminds me of the
mother-tongue-education-is-good-for-your-kid kind of logic (and, of course,
we decide your "mother tongue" for you too).

Please let's be more inclusive and rational in our definitions, and a lot
of problems would get automatically sorted out. FN

FN +91-832-2409490 or +91-9822122436
Books from Goa,1556
Audio recordings (mostly from Goa):

On 27 November 2012 11:42, Bernice Pereira <> wrote:

> festival only?.......
> Yes he's right!!! All over the world, local delicacies are  promoted and
> showcased in every nook and corner.  Except in Goa!.  I think this is an
> excellent idea and needs to be seriously considered.   Nowadays all we see
> in Goa are chicken tandoori, chicken tikkas, (not even the authentic
> ones) chole etc. etc.  We are silently watching all the non Goans selling
> their wares, whereas our delicacies take a back seat.   I remember as a
> kid, my mother would take me to the beaches of Vagathor, Vozran etc.  There
> were no restaurants there.  A bujia stall would always be seen where  hot
> chilly, onion bujia would be sold wrapped in newspaper and tied
> with thread. Those type of bujias are never found today.  We are
> only catering for people who swarm from other parts of the country.
> Also Goan films, music and folklore should be given serious
> consideration.  The way Goa is showcased, it is not interesting for the
> local people.  One may as well go to any of the other beaches in
> India....what's the difference?
> Bernice Pereira
  • ... Bernice Pereira
    • ... Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا

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