Has konkani claimed its last Martyr?
Fr Pratap Naik (S.J) the illustrious Jesuit has made many enemies by fighting 
for the cause of Romi Konkani, the true Konkani read, understood and spoken by 
the Goan masses. Due to his untiring efforts a huge edifice of high caliber, 
The Thomas Stephens Konkani Kendr (TSKK)was built and nurtured under his care 
and guidance. This institute still stands tall today with no government help 
but with the donations and support of Konkani lovers far and wide. Fr Pratap 
Naik brought into sharp focus the discriminations suffered by the true Konkani 
users at the hands of the one script, one language, and one community lobby.
The crumbs thrown today to the Romi Konkani and its cultural off-shoots is due 
to the revolutionary movement carried out by Fr Pratap Naik. Be it the naming 
of Pai Tiatrist auditorium at Rabindra Bhavan Margao, The formation of the 
Dalgado Konkani Akademy, The Tiatr Academy, recognition of separate award for 
Roman script books by the Kala Akademy and the struggle to treat Romi Konkani 
on par with devnagari for Sahitya Academy awards, is credited to the only 
Patriarch of Konkani Rev. Fr Pratap Naik a bailo settled in Goa. 
Fr. Pratap Naik has ruffled many feathers and disturbed many cozy nests of  
illustrious konkani wadis who until his revolutionary movement were living and 
enjoying at the exchequers cost to the exclusion of the the Niz Goykars who 
fought and died for the recognition of Konkani in Goa. Until that time 
everybody had resigned to their fate and Romi Konkani was dying a natural 
death. And hence Fr. Pratap Naik was to be sidelined isolated and uprooted form 
the very institution which he built and nurtured and ex-communicated and 
deported from Goa because he dared to touch the raw nerve of the hierarchical 
dominion of devnagri konkani.
Fr. Pratap  Naik knew it was coming but hardly had he dreamt that the brutus 
would be from within his own community, the Jesuit brotherhood. I always 
admired the Jesuits. They were learned, and erudite visionaries. They 
evangelized Goa, built the Churches and Institutions of learning in India and 
abroad. They truly brought the message of salvation through Christ to Goa. But 
certainly I wouldn’t think in my wildest dreams that they had such petty minds 
and juvenile attitudes towards their own bretheren.
The missionary work of Fr. Pratap Naik does not end with disbanding him from 
TSKK, and suspending all his privileges and perks which he rightly deserves 
from the Jesuit Society. It truly starts now; here is a man who has sacrificed 
his everything for Konkani and Goan identity. What can we Goans do to help him 
when he rightly needs our help? It is time we repay him in equal measure. Wake 
up Goans, before it is too late.
Cypriano Lopes

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