The Goa Sudharop International Goan Youth Convention just concluded, a 
resounding success exceeding our expectations. More on the convention later, 
details will follow in the New Year. Two of the outstanding speakers spoke on 
the STATUS OF WOMEN in Goa and the STATUS OF CHILDREN in Goa (how many Goan 
conventions address these issues?).

Given the tragic death of the Delhi rape victim, a moment's silence was 
observed in her memory. She could have been anyone of the women at the 
convention, most of the young women were in her age group.

Goa Sudharop agreed to fund two workshops to train women in Goa to spread the 
word through various channels to fight for women's rights, their protection, 
equality, safety, access to education, police protection, etc. Each of these 
workshops are Rs. 30,000 (about US$575). Will you donate to fund these 
workshops? Goa Sudharop gets all its funds from individuals.

We hope Goans will step up and fund these workshops, otherwise the expressed 
outrage on various Goan forums are all talk and no action. Now is the time to 
do something and not rely on someone else to carry the load.

Donations are tax-deductible for USA residents since GOA SUDHAROP is a 501(c)3 
non-profit organization. Donate through PAYPAL by going to the GOA SUDHAROP 
website at and clicking on the DONATE NOW button 
(PAYPAL) or make a check payable to 'GOA SUDHAROP" and mail to:

Mrs. Acaria Almeida
P.O. Box 6144

Please email Acaria at after making your donation and 
let her know.

Thank you.

Goa Sudharop

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